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Erectile dysfunction?

I feel sexually satisfied when masturbating, but almost never satisfied with a partner either premature ejaculating or difficulty maintaining an erection. Male, 28 YO No...

STD treatment?

If I was treated for chlamydia and gonnorhea last Saturday am I clear to have protected sex?

Genital herpes?

If I have genital herpes and my partner has mouth herpes, can she get genital herpes by giving me oral?


Can a woman with a yeast infection give a man a viral infection?

Possible STD scare?

Being that the risk is high, should I go get tested for HSV1& 2? I have some soreness and my pelvic is a pain.

Condom slipped during sex with an escort, what is the HIV risk?

I live in a high-income country in Europe. I visited an escort two weeks ago and during sex, the condom slipped. I think I realized it after 2-3 thrusts. She told me she is...

STD test question?

Hello, I recently took an STD test and had some questions about the results on the ranges.


Is it safe to masturbate 12 days after finishing my dose of doxycycline for chlamydia? I also put a condom on my sex toy.


My boyfriend decided to clean his penis with rubbing alcohol 15-20 minutes before sex (because I keep getting urinary tract infections + BV, and he thought it would help for SOME...

STD Inquiry?

What would be the best medication if one was born with congenital syphilis and one may have HIV? But had been smoking medical marijuana starting a year before the start of sexual...

Pre cum or semen?

Me and my fiancee were making out, I released a lot. However, I don't know if it was just pre cum or if it was semen and I was ejaculating. I've read that you usually ejaculate...

Poisoning with water based personal lubricant containing isopropyl alcohol?

Is it possible to get poisoned by isopropyl alcohol contained in the fleshlube water personal lubricant? Time of exposure is about 4 months for 20min to 2h per day. In a closed...

Pain after sex?

I have sharp pulling in the vagina area (ovaries' area). It hurts to stand up from seating position. It just came on today after sex with my husband.

Lost my libido?

Since 2013 (at the age of 26) my libido has steadily gone down. In the past, I’ve been to 2 different urologists that couldn’t help me. Of that time, I’ve been prescribed 50MG...

Am I at risk?

Weeks ago I had a sexual experience with a woman including a condom, dildo, and hands. Now after 6 days I have a sore throat then had an HIV test that came back negative. Am...


I had sex with a transexual sex worker. I had receptive anal sex with a condom. And I gave her oral sex without a condom. She ejaculated and some got into my eye. What are...

Can sperm from semen get into the lungs and cause bronchitis?

I have been having symptoms of bronchitis for the past 2 years and I have been swallowing semen, in the belief that it will improve my health, for the same duration too. I am...

Infectious diseases?

Hi, serious question need answer. I gave oral sex (without a condom) to a man and he ejaculated in my face of which some went into my eye on accident. I washed it off but I am...

Still infected with Syphilis?

I found out I had syphilis in October 2020. I had a Trep value of 21. 07 and an RPR Quantitative of 1: 512. I don't know how long I had had it for, but I had been feeling fatigued...


About 6 years ago I performed oral sex on a girl and I noticed after that she had this whiteish color around the opening of her vagina, the very next day I woke up feeling extremely...

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