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Are there really growth supplements my son can take to be taller?

My son is the shortest in the class, and I really don't want him to fall too much behind on the growth. I did a quick google search and saw something about growth supplements...

What conditions are required for a bone marrow transplant?

My nephew requires a bone marrow replacement. I'm just curious--What conditions should be met for the transplant to be eligible?

Is a Zyrtec regimen safe for kids?

I have been giving zyrtec to my daughter as she is highly prone to allergies. She's 11. I just want to know if this is completely safe for her.

What is the treatment for nighttime cough?

My daughter is 3 years old and constantly gets a cough, particularly at night. How can we treat this?

My daughter got hit on her head with a wooden swing. Will an ice pack help?

My daughter is 12 years old and got hit on her head with a wooden swing. There's a bump. Will it help if I try ice pack therapy for her? How long should we keep the ice on?...

Are cavities possible in baby teeth?

Is it possible for a child with baby teeth to get a cavity? If so, how is it handled?

Is there medication required for pink eye?

My daughter has gotten pink eye from school, so the doctors have given her eye drops. But, because this infection is so contagious, we feel like she needs some medication alongside...

Is there a cure in naturopathy for a cold due to allergies?

My son wakes up every morning with a cold and runny nose. Spring is coming, so I believe this is due to his allergies. Is there a naturopathic cure for this?

What should we know about jaundice?

Both me and my husband are expecting a baby girl next month. We are very excited, but we wanted to know about any issues that can occur once we give birth. We are particularly...

My son was born with a breathing disorder. What are the chances his condition will improve as he grows up?

My son was born with breathing distress and was admitted in the NICU as soon as he was born. He's fine, the doctors told us we were able to take him home. But, will this problem...

My son's voice is very high-pitched and he finds it socially embarrassing. Is there anything we can do?

My son is 16, and he has a very soft and high-pitched voice and he finds it very embarrassing socially. Is there a way that this can be treated?

My baby has been in the NICU for the last month. Will this cause any issues in his development?

My baby developed some breathing distress at birth and was admitted in the NICU. It has now been a month. Do you think this is likely to cause any issues in his development?...

What causes puberphonia in some kids?

I recently came across the puberphonia which affects a number of kids. What causes this condition and what is the course of treatment when it occurs?

Why is my 4 year old son still unable to speak fluently?

My son is 4 years old and most often he starts talking in a hurry, and then he is unable to speak fluently. It looks like he's getting flustered. Why could this be happening?...

How often should I get a complete body scan done for my son?

My son underwent heart surgery at the age of 1. 5 years. He is now 8 years old and is completely fine. However, I always have a fear in the back of my mind. How often should...

What can I do for my son's runny nose?

My son has a runny nose, especially at nights. Is there something we can do to clear it out?

At what age is childhood obesity usually noticed?

My husband and his entire side of the family is obese and I am worried my son will follow in his footsteps. He is 2 years old now and supposedly of average weight. What precautions...

Should I get my son vaccinated after being scratched by a cat?

My son who is 5 years old was playing with a stray cat and got scratched. Would he require vaccination?

Why does my 1 year old keep getting a cough?

My baby is just over a year old and keeps getting a cough on and off. What could be the reason?

My son is 5 years old and is complaining of a weird tickling feeling. What could be wrong?

My son is 5 years old and keeps complaining of a strange tickling feeling inside his stomach. What could be the reason?

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