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7 Benefits of Oatmeal Baths

7 Benefits of Oatmeal Baths

When you have itchy skin, you want to stop the itch as soon as possible. Sometimes, you have no anti-itch medications around, and you can’t get to a pharmacy. A home remedy can often be found in your kitchen. Oatmeal baths can soothe skin that’s itching from any one of a number of causes, from poison ivy to pregnancy-related conditions. Oatmeal is made from common oats, Avena sativa. This grain serves as both human food and animal feed. It is an annual grass and has been used in folk medicine for conditions such as insomnia, paralysis and rheumatism. Oatmeal flakes come in differing sizes that affect cooking time, and oatmeal is the base grain for different cookies and breads.

How to Prepare an Oatmeal Bath

If you're using a store-bought product, follow the directions on the package. Dermatologists suggest:

  • Make sure the water is lukewarm, not hot.
  • Sprinkle the recommended amount or 1 cup of your DIY oatmeal under running water as the tub fills.
  • Soak for about 10-15 minutes.
  • After the bath, gently pat yourself dry so your skin still feels damp.
  • Immediately apply a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer.

The water should feel soft and silky on your skin. If you soak too long, your skin will dry out. That’ll make your itch worse.

1. Polyphenols in oatmeal soothe the skin

Research points to polyphenols called avenanthramides, found mainly in oats, for their ability to soothe itching and irritated skin. Avenanthramides exhibit anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and anti-itching activity. Polyphenols may provide additional protection against coronary heart disease, colon cancer and skin irritation.

2. Itchy skin remedy

Itchy, dry skin often has a high pH level, but oatmeal can help normalize your skin’s pH, which can relieve itchy, uncomfortable skin. Oatmeal baths also soften and moisturize your skin, which helps lock in moisture and protect skin from exterior irritants.

3. Calms atopic dermatitis or eczema

Topical corticosteroids are the first-line treatment for eczema, and have been used widely for decades to treat various inflammatory skin conditions. But when applied daily for long periods of time, topical corticosteroids can produce unwanted side effects. Some of these include:

  • Thinning of the skin
  • Stretch marks
  • Easy bruising and tearing of the skin
  • Enlarged blood vessels
  • Localized increased hair thickness and length

4. Face wash

Oatmeal contains chemicals known as saponins that are characterized by their intense cleansing properties. Saponins are commonly added to shampoos and detergents for its emulsifying and foaming abilities that create a rich lather. This makes oatmeal ideal to use as a face mask, cleanser or soap for every skin type, especially sensitive skin. For a simple homemade recipe, mix whole oatmeal with warm water into a paste and add a teaspoon of honey. Rub the cleanser onto your skin in circular motions to cleanse face.

5. Relieves dryness

Oats impart a protective layer over the skin’s surface, which helps retain its natural moisture. During your oatmeal bath, the natural starches in oats will absorb water and bind to your skin. And the polyphenols or avenanthramides will work to relieve your dry skin. Avenanthramides can also reduce inflammation and itching caused by scratching dry skin. An oatmeal bath will leave your skin feeling soft and silky.

You can do an oatmeal bath multiple times each day, but if you find yourself needing more than three it’s probably time to see a doctor.