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Health Benefits of Jicama

Jicama or yam bean is known as healthy snack that we can eat at home. It can be eaten raw or cooked. People know that jicama is great source of vitamin C and best thing for people who are on a diet is the jicama does not contain any fat. It’s usually cooked in different recipes such as salad, stew, fruit bars and you can also enjoy it as a juice. In Chinese dishes, jicama is usually used to replace water chestnuts and in some country it’s served with cilantro, lemon and even chilli powder. Health Benefits of Jicama we can get from its nutrients. Since jicama contains some nutrient, it may provide benefits to your health. Here are some health benefits of this amazing vegetable.

1. Boosts Immune System

There is a very large amount of vitamin C found in jicama; 100 grams of jicama gives approximately 40% of our entire daily requirement for ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is an essential part of our immune system and it stimulates the white blood cells, which are the body’s first main line of defense against illness. Battling bacterial, viral, fungal or pathogenic diseases is done by adding vitamin C to your body. Also, the antioxidant potential of vitamin C means that it helps in the fight against cancer by neutralizing the effects of free radicals that have been connected with heart diseases and cancer.

2. Fulfills Iron Deficiency

Deficiency in iron can give rise to some dangerous diseases like constant cough, anemia, pre-dialysis anemia, and chronic anemia. Iron is vital for proper growth as well as in the development of the body. Once the iron levels become rigorously exhausted, one is sure to get anemia. Luckily, jicama’s benefits contribute a lot in preventing such health problems.Jicama fulfills the iron requirement, as it consists of about 0.57 milligrams of iron, which makes it 7.13 percent of the suggested value.

3. Improves Digestion

One of the most important elements of jicama is the high levels of dietary fiber that it contains. Dietary fiber helps to increase the bulk of stool, thereby helping it move through the digestive tract and reducing conditions like constipation. Furthermore, jicama is a rich source of a soluble fiber called oligofructose inulin, which is a sweet, inert carbohydrate that does not metabolize into simple sugars. This means that for diabetic patients, jicama can be a great way to have some sweet food without worrying about the blood sugar fluctuation.

4. Maintains A Healthy Brain

Jicama has significant amounts of vitamin B6, a nutrient that is often associated with increased cognitive abilities and brain functionalities. Also, vitamin B6 plays a key role in breaking down all the body proteins into other proteins and useful amino acids, which in turn enhances the metabolic process and effectiveness of several organs.
5. Improves Blood Circulation

The significant amounts of copper and iron found in jicama make it very good for maintaining the health of the circulatory system since those two minerals are important elements of red blood cells. Without those components, people suffer from anemia and low functioning of the organs that require fresh, oxygenated blood to properly function.

6. Strengthens Bones

The minerals like manganese, magnesium, iron, and copper found in jicama mean that this root vegetable can be a major booster for the bone mineral density. These minerals are essential for building strong, new bones and healing any damage to existing bones. This is also the best way to prevent the onset of conditions like osteoporosis, which millions of people suffer from.

After acknowledging all those benefits of jicama, you should start to consume it today. But, remember that even the fiber is very healthy, don’t eat it in excessive amount. Too much soluble fiber in body may also affect the digestion function and cause constipation. If your usual diet low in fiber, try to increase the fiber consumption gradually.