"There is so much pressure for things to 'go back to normal' after a baby. NEWSFLASH: you don't 'go back' to anything."

"HUGE BOOBS, SQUISHY BELLY, FULL HEART. The female body is freaking amazing you guys! Watching it grow and shrink and stretch is nothing short of miraculous, and yet there is so much pressure for things to 'go back to normal' after baby. NEWS FLASH: you don't 'go back' to anything. Your body is forever changed, and that's a beautiful thing. 

This time last week I still had a 9+LB baby in my belly. My pregnancy and birth experiences have given me so much appreciation for a body that I HATED for most my life. Today I feel like a damn superhero.  PS- who else loves mesh panties? Seriously, they're awesome." @britteanderson 

Credit: Instagram account @takebackpostpartum