"Things didn't go as planned but I still had such a beautiful experience. So many amazing things happened in the midst of all the pain."

"Planned home birth turned hospital induction at 37 weeks. It was a whirlwind. I had been fighting a sinus infection leading up to the induction and I was completely exhausted.

I had every intention to do this naturally but towards the end I was DONE. My midwife looked at me and said "Cassie I need you to push" I replied back not so nicely.. " and I need YOU to get me an epidural!". They kept telling me the baby would be here before the epidural. I didn't believe them and made them call for the anesthesiologist. He was with another patient (btw, why do they only have ONE of those miracle workers in the whole hospital?!) Judea was born about 5 min later and I never got the epidural. I hemorrhaged and he was whisked away to the NICU.

Things didn't go as planned but I still had such a beautiful experience. So many amazing things happened in the midst of all the pain and exhaustion. I wouldn't change it for the world. Did your birth plan go awry? If so, how did you handle it?" @cassiesuehall 

Credit: Instagram account @takebackpostpartum