"These marks brought 4 new lives and 4 new perspectives into this world."

"I will admit it. Watching the Olympics gave me a bad case of body envy. I'm a pretty confident person so admitting that is really hard for me. As my years pass on, as skin sags, as hair shows up places I didn't think humanly possible (like seriously Mom, why didn't you warn me?) and as I see the physical result of childbirth, I start to rethink my value. Then just recently I met the sweetest lady and through our conversation she told me she wasn't able to have babies. Dang. What she wouldn't give for my stretchmarks. For my dark circles. For my nearly unrecognizable post-nursing boobs. These marks brought 4 new lives and 4 new perspectives into this world. They gave me a greater purpose, made me a better person, and inspired this business. I guess they aren't so bad after all." @crunchymamas

Credit: Instagram account @takebackpostpartum