Women's Health

The Possible Relation Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

How to recognize PCOS

A gynecologist will confirm the diagnosis of PCOS if a patient has at least two out of three of the following symptoms:

  • Irregular periods: This means that the cyclic manner of periods becomes irregular and women cannot rely on a regular menstrual calendar. More important is the fact that irregular menstrual cycles can cause fertility problems. Some women might experience excessive or prolonged periods. Constant blood loss can cause anemia, or low iron levels in the blood, which can trigger a range of health issues, ranging from fatigue to depression to an irregular heart rhythm, just to name a few.
  • High blood androgens: Male sex hormones, called androgens, may be overproduced in those with PCOS. Testosterone, which is usually produced in ovaries in low levels, may be overproduced, leading to a variety of unpleasant effects, including acne or abnormal hair growth on the face and body. While testosterone is high, female sex hormones, such as estrogen, may be low.
  • Ultrasonography: An ultrasound of the pelvis will show cysts on the ovaries.