Women's Health

The Possible Relation Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

What are the signs and symptoms of OSA?

OSA includes a range of symptoms, including loud snoring, which may be disruptive to loved ones sharing the same bedroom. In addition, the structures of the throat are altered during sleep in a person with OSA, which may lead to insomnia or restless sleep.

However, symptoms are not limited to bedtime. Daytime sleepiness may be a very real issue that may affect a person’s ability to function during daily activities, including driving. Lack of oxygen to the brain during sleep can lead to problems with concentration and memory. Restless sleep and lack of oxygen while sleeping may lead to a headache or dry throat the following morning. Mood changes may results in depression or anxiety. In those with severe OSA, sexual dysfunction and high blood pressure may develop over time.