If You Were Able to Come Face to Face With Autism, What Would You Say?

If You Were Able to Come Face to Face With Autism, What Would You Say?
Cathy Grayson Autism Spectrum Disorder

I am a mom of a son with autism. My son was diagnosed at the age of 10. He’s 28 now and doing really good because I was there every step of the way so he wouldn’t fall through the cracks in life. I’ve taught him so many things in life. How to cook simple meals, make appointments, do his own banking, laundry. The list is...

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Go ahead. Vent your frustrations. Share how you persevere in the face of the everyday struggles of autism.

Dear Autism. You have tested me to the limits some days but you didn’t defeat me. I have learnt how to make life matter regardless of this disability. My son is a special person that needs my guidance and I will be there every step of the way. I am the winner and proud of it.