What Being a Mom to an Autistic Child Is Really Like

What Being a Mom to an Autistic Child Is Really Like
Gina Boyan Autism Spectrum Disorder

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What is it like being an autism mom? The ups, the downs, and the emotional struggle.

I struggle with sadness when my 8 year old child isn't invited to parties, etc. like other children. He wants to be around other children but they look at him strangely and don't include him. I cheer at the fact that he finally speaks words that I can understand and he is never quiet now. I feel bad when I get frustrated because I know that the behavior is not on purpose. I feel isolated. But then again, I'm so proud of their accomplishments.

What fears do you face as you raise your child?

The future for them is a big fear, what will it look like. Being enough as a mother and giving everything they need. Are there more services necessary for their success?

What do you wish other moms knew about what you go through?

That it can be draining physically and emotionally. It's hard for me to focus on friendships/relationships when my children don't have the luxury of having "real" friends.

Do you have other autism mommies who have inspired you?

Yes, I read all sorts of stories and have had some acquaintances that deal with more extremes in the Autism world than I do and my heart goes out to them and their struggles. I pray for their peace, whatever that may look like for them.