Staying Positive with Fibromyalgia

Deidre Tranter Fibromyalgia

I was diagnosed back in 2000 for Fibromyalgia. I was 40 years old. I started out with muscle pain in my thighs and it gradually spread everywhere else except my lower legs and lower arms. I was diagnosed with Arthritis back in my early 30's in my hands and knees. Everything else I have, I have spent a lot of money on trying...

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How much credence do you put into the notion of maintaining a positive attitude?

I think you have to have pretty much stress-free or almost stress-free days so it doesn't activate your inflammation and everything else that goes along with it. Nerve pain, muscle pain, joint pain. It all rolls into one big mess when you are constantly stressed and then you get upset that you are hurting again.

So, a positive attitude would help in that department. It is very very hard for me to do that with how my life is today. I do find joy when I have my grandsons here. They are so funny and loving. They want me more then anybody else. I must be doing something right and that tickles me that they want me. But I can't do too much either. 

What do you do to get through the difficult days?

I will take an over the counter NSAID with food and pretty much stay in bed most of the day and listen to the temptations, etc. on my Echo dot. Sometimes I just stay in bed and watch TV on my computer. I sometimes have to put heat on my shoulders or knees. Soak in the tub. If I am having just a little bit of a bad day, I will pick a few things that need done around the house and do them. The next day I will do a few others. I try not to over do it. 

What is the driving force that keeps you moving forward?

When my grand babies are here, I have no choice but to keep moving forward. I pay for it dearly when they go back home. I have to make it through the day and I am hoping for a different life soon. I have to do what is best for me and not keep living in the situation I am in. So, I am hopeful that will come soon.