How Your Life Has Changed with Fibromyalgia

How Your Life Has Changed with Fibromyalgia

Do you feel like fibromyalgia has changed you as a person?

Yes, I’m too tired and achey to do anything. I get depressed about never going anywhere. 

Has fibro limited your physical activities? How?

I struggle to get up every day, it’s like waking up from a general anaesthesia every morning. 

I no longer work and I can't walk far, but I've had 2 hip replacements as well.

I cant sleep at night. I go to bed, shattered and can't fall asleep, so I get up and watch TV for a few hours.

I eventually get to sleep about 5 am for about 4-5 hours.

I struggle to do any housework. In fact, my whole life is different now. I hardly leave the house and when I do it’s exhausting.