Am I Becoming my Grandmother?

Am I Becoming my Grandmother?
Donna Bliss Lyme Disease

I currently deal with chronic health issues from 2 bouts of Lyme Disease, which has changed my immune system, energy levels, and continues to cause joint pain. I've always been ridiculously fit. I'm now going on 56 years old, and am a single mom after being married for 23 years. And over the past 2 years, I've gained...

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I remember as a kid always being schlepped along with mom and grandma to several doctor appointments a week. Gram was always going to her doctor who then sent her to specialists for everything--or so it seemed. She had pain in her joints, an ulcer, high blood pressure and so on - each of those required a diagnosis and then treatment. Seemed like some of those treatments bumped into each other. The medicine for the arthritis made the ulcer worse. The high blood pressure gave her headaches, but the drop in pressure made her faint and so on and so on....

Well here I am, dealing with chronic Lyme, aches and pains and fatigue. I can cope. Now my age is creeping up and turns out that the horrible pain that grips me above my belly and under the breast bone is from gallbladder attacks. Doc says its time to take it out. I learned that because I was sent for a consult for a colonoscopy (age related) after the annual mammo. Oh, and doc recommends cancer screening. Don't these people know we have jobs?

Then again, I am grateful I have the ability to see these physicians, that nothing has turned out too serious and in general, I am really healthy. Now to get those 20 lbs off...