If You Were Able to Come Face to Face With Ovarian Cancer, What Would You Say?

If You Were Able to Come Face to Face With Ovarian Cancer, What Would You Say?
Tammy Umberson Ovarian Cancer

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Go ahead. Vent your frustrations. Share how you persevere in the face of the everyday struggles of having ovarian cancer.

I never would have thought you would be a part of my life... but thanks to you I've discovered and made new friends I never would have met. I faced challenges I had thought I never could have made it through. Because of you, I am more grateful for everyday the good Lord gives me. I'm not in as much a hurry to get from point a to point b. I'm more inclined to see interruptions as opportunities. Everyday there is at least one thing I marvel at. I would have to say you have helped me become a better person.