How Your Life Has Changed with Parkinson's Disease

Shirley Starling: How Your Life Has Changed with Parkinson's Disease
Shirley Starling Parkinson's Disease

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How did you learn that you had Parkinson's disease?

Tremors started. Visited my doctor who did blood tests to rule out anything else and then referred me to a Parkinson's specialist.

Now that you are diagnosed with Parkinson's, has the disease changed the dynamic between you and your family? In a good way or a bad way?

No real change dynamics. My family is very supportive and encouraging. They are very aware of changes in me, and point out things I may have missed myself.

What methods and strategies have you learned to cope with the challenges of the disease?

I have taken the advice of my neurologist and adapt my medication when I feel the need, either on my own, or following discussion with my husband, neurologist, or Parkinson nurse. I found a good neuro-physiotherapist who is keeping me on a planned exercise regime. Keeping active which seems to be key to slowing deterioration.