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Dr. Bobby Grossi, DDS


Dr. Bobby Grossi is a Dentist practicing in Flint, MI. Dr. Grossi specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
36 years Experience
Dr. Bobby Grossi, DDS
  • Flint, MI
  • University of Michigan
  • Accepting new patients

Are dental sealants good?

Yes they prevent decay

Will I need a crown after a root canal?

While it is not always the case, it is recommended, to get a crown after a root canal. The tooth can be more brittle after root canal therapy, and alot of tooth structure is usually READ MORE
While it is not always the case, it is recommended, to get a crown after a root canal. The tooth can be more brittle after root canal therapy, and alot of tooth structure is usually gone.

How long do dentures last?

Dentures can last your whole life. But insurance covers a new set every 5 years. . You might have to have dentures refit every year, do to bone loss

Do I need to have a CT scan before a dental implant?

No you don't. However, it is helpful for the surgeon doing the implant, or implants!

Is Invisalign as good as braces?

Invisalign is good, depending on the case selection, but no in my opinion it can't do what Conventional braces can do. It's great for mild to moderate crowding issues, but not READ MORE
Invisalign is good, depending on the case selection, but no in my opinion it can't do what Conventional braces can do. It's great for mild to moderate crowding issues, but not for everyone

Who is not eligible for metal braces?

As long as the perio condition is good everyone is.

What are the problems with partial dentures?

the problems are fit, and cosmetics. They also can damage other teeth that the partial anchors to. But if finances are limited , this is a great choice to replace that smile.

How can gum recession around a bridge be fixed?

It is usually a bone issue . You can redo bridge? Possible see if bone grafting is an option, or you can do tissue grafting . Like pinhole therapy etc.

Do dental implants cause gum recession?

Implants don't cause gum recession, perio disease Does. It's implants help preserve your bone

Can a loose tooth be saved with a root canal?

It is nit recommended. It's a bone loss problem, you could do bone grafting after, possibly. Depends on severity of infection

How long does it take to get partial dentures?

About 3 to 4 weeks on avg. Usually takes about 3 appointments. Can maybe be a little faster.

How to clean a dental bridge?

you would use floss threaders, or get a water pick. then just brush your teeth, like normal

How long after getting caps on your teeth can you eat?

If they are temp about 10 to 15 min to let cement to set . Permanent crowns 15 to 30 min

How long will it take to fix a gap with braces?

Anywhere between 6 to 24 months depending on situation I like my patients wearing braces for at least a year. It helps with better results, that last.

Is zirconia bridge good?

All bridges are good, but short answer is yes! Very strong bridge

Can I drink alcohol with Invisalign?

It can stain the trays I would suggest not wearing them while drinking

Will my teeth hurt after getting braces?

Your teeth usually hurt first few days to a week's, your body gets used to it

How long after root canal I will get a crown?

You should get a crown as soon as possible. The tooth no longer has blood supply and is very brittle.

When can I use mouthwash after implant surgery?

You can use it immediately, everything will be fine