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Ryan Koryciak

Psychologist | Clinical

Dr. Koryciak specializes in the treatment of mental health problems and helps people to cope with their mental illnesses utilizing positive psychology. As a psychologist, Dr. Koryciak evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods such as qualitative surveys and questionnaires for evaluation including vis-a-vis, and utilizes therapeutic treatment interventions most typically psychotherapy or CBT talk therapy as well as pharmacological interventions. Dr. Koryciak also has experience with interpreting the MMPI-1, MMPI-2, and MMPI-3 as well as many other tests for varying psychological concerns and assessment needs. Patients usually visit Dr. Koryciak because they have been experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, or anger for a significant period of time and are seeking help. Psychologists may perform a variety of exams and assessments to diagnose a mental condition only for the highest and greatest good of the patient helping them to become well in spirit, mind, and body.
7 years Experience
Ryan Koryciak
  • Waterford, MI
  • Ashford University
  • Accepting new patients

What helps with depression?

Yes, depression is difficult to cope with for many. Staying away from alcoholic beverages, marijuana inhalation, any street drugs and any non healthy environment where it may make READ MORE
Yes, depression is difficult to cope with for many. Staying away from alcoholic beverages, marijuana inhalation, any street drugs and any non healthy environment where it may make symptoms worse, even personal, work and family relationships that are draining or toxic. Apart from even these things not eating healthy is very taxing on the body so a good healthy diet rich in green leafy vegetable foods, moderate fruits, and plenty of water is always a good thing for the health and in any fight with mental health. Also having regular "check-ins" with your therapist, family doctor and psychiatrist for medication reviews and to adjust any medications that may be not working for you any more and to switch to medications that will work for you. Hope this helps and as always, wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak

What is the most common therapy for anxiety?

The most common form of therapy and is evidenced-based method is (CBT) cognitive behavioral therapy and medications. However, if there are other diagnosis with an individual it READ MORE
The most common form of therapy and is evidenced-based method is (CBT) cognitive behavioral therapy and medications. However, if there are other diagnosis with an individual it is up to the doctor and licensed clinician overseeing the patient to asses the person and there then may be other forms of psychotherapy for the person's treatment such as dialectical behavioral therapy for BPD, exposure therapy for varying social phobias etc. Hope this helps, wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak

Should I go to a psychiatrist for anxiety?

Yes, psychiatrists help with anxiety especially if you have a diagnosis already and to keep with regular medication changes. Other clinicians such as nurse practitioners, licensed READ MORE
Yes, psychiatrists help with anxiety especially if you have a diagnosis already and to keep with regular medication changes. Other clinicians such as nurse practitioners, licensed therapists, case managers and doctors are very integral in the process of helping with anxiety and helping to manage the symptom severity and checking in how medications and diagnoses are doing and related anxiety disorders as well. Hope this helps as always, wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak

What treatments can fix alcohol addiction?

Condolences you are going through this with your friend as most addictions do encompass more than the individual. Much of the time there is a whole array of issues surrounding READ MORE
Condolences you are going through this with your friend as most addictions do encompass more than the individual. Much of the time there is a whole array of issues surrounding the individual such as the alcohol use and many times a co-occurring use of other things such as narcotics and street drugs (not always) that are happening within the individual and other things like medical problems, social/familial issues, legal issues, job problems etc. In essence, there is No quick 'fix' for alcohol addiction. It is an individuals self-effort and adherence to programs, counseling, medications (if needed), and programs such as AA or NA, regular urine drops from a reputable facility for alcohol addiction recovery (for accountability) that can help in an individual's recovery that will ultimately help them through the rough waters of alcohol addiction. This is many times or can be at least a lifelong process for some depending on the severity of the condition of the person and their surrounding situation(s). AA and NA is a great evidenced-based program that many seek solace from and do very well at. As long as sufferers of alcohol addiction can adhere to the 'programs' much good can come to the person and their families which will require some work. Throughout this process for the individual person they will need 1:1 counseling, group counseling can be very effective, access to doctor's, nurse appointments and regular routine medical and dental care to help foster a better sense of equilibrium for the person and their families caring for their health. Hope this helps, as always wishing you well.


Dr Ryan Koryciak

How long does it take for CBT to work for schizophrenia?

In one article by BMC Psychiatry in a randomized control trial among 33 studies and a total of 1,142 patients, 44.5 and 13.2 % of the patients reached a minimally improved status READ MORE
In one article by BMC Psychiatry in a randomized control trial among 33 studies and a total of 1,142 patients, 44.5 and 13.2 % of the patients reached a minimally improved status and a 50 % much improved status and reduction of overall symptoms. Likewise, 52.9 and 24.8% of the patients reached a 20%/50% reduction of positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Because of the uniqueness and the varying diagnosis of symptoms from patient to patient, it is subjective and therefore always difficult to say as to the length of CBT sessions before positive outcomes are reached but, on average, people could expect to see results and reduction of symptoms from CBT therapy in 4 to 6 sessions within a four month window of time providing they can consistently work with their mental health professional in their treatment. As always, wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak

Can panic attacks go on their own?

In one article by BMC Psychiatry, within 33 studies and a total of 1,142 participants who received CBT therapy 44.5 or 13.2% of the patients reached a 20 % minimally improved and READ MORE
In one article by BMC Psychiatry, within 33 studies and a total of 1,142 participants who received CBT therapy 44.5 or 13.2% of the patients reached a 20 % minimally improved and a 50 % much improved status and 52.9 of the patients or, 24.8% of them reached a 20% to 50% reduction of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. The average response rate is subjective because of the varying and uniqueness of schizophrenia symptoms from person to person, but, on average it could take up to 4 to 6 sessions within four months to see improvements and reduction of positive symptoms of schizophrenia with CBT therapy.

Does lack of rest cause anxiety?

Yes, According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine adults need on average 7 hours of REM sleep to maintain optimal health, anything less than that can have negative side READ MORE
Yes, According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine adults need on average 7 hours of REM sleep to maintain optimal health, anything less than that can have negative side effects such as anxiety and depression. As always, wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak

Is it possible to stop panic attacks?

In the case of panic attacks it might be sometimes possible for them to stop if the event or 'trigger' that has caused panic attacks ceases to exist. Some people go through a momentary READ MORE
In the case of panic attacks it might be sometimes possible for them to stop if the event or 'trigger' that has caused panic attacks ceases to exist. Some people go through a momentary bout with anxiety and/or panic attacks and it is only momentary where it can be modulated with brief medications, meditation, exercise, diet changes and some do great with this, because life circumstances have improved. On the other hand, many find themselves in a bout that lasts for a long time because of their life circumstances or events that won't subside. This can be a lifelong diagnosis with complex trauma, poverty, familial problems, and medicine side effects that seem to not help the matter of panic or anxiety in which case a mental health care doctor, nurse practitioner, or therapist and doctors should work together to bring about the best possible case scenario for the patient involved taking into consideration their family, financial, diagnosis, medications and current living conditions. In essence, there are many factors that can affect panic attacks and it will take a licensed mental health care provider to be able to see through these factors deciphering the best course of action. Hope this helps. As always, wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak

What to do if you can't work because of depression?

I know this is a conundrum that many people face and for that I am sorry because my heart goes out to you in the fight against depression. Many times people are trying to get over READ MORE
I know this is a conundrum that many people face and for that I am sorry because my heart goes out to you in the fight against depression. Many times people are trying to get over a small event or episode that is momentary and many others go through a major fight against depression. In many cases jobs are lost, people are on medicines they have never been on before with side effects they have to try to figure out as well as dietary changes due to medicine and it's cognitive and physiobiological effects on the bodily systems. In any case, a case worker or case manager can help with the application process to assist with state benefits in your state of residence such as TANF (temporary assistance for needy families), EBT food benefits also disability such as SSI or SSDI. A lawyer can assist with the latter two, SSI and SSDI because one SSI involves social security disability from the SSA and is for those who have no earned income credits and have never worked, while SSDI is for those who do have earned income credits for working at jobs throughout their lives. Often these two accompany Medicaid and Medicare type health insurance while the person is off of work. Sometimes this can just be temporary and a few months and other times this can be lifelong disability situation depending on the diagnosis. Please be sure to notify your mental health practitioner, case manager, or nurse practitioner of any life changes or circumstances that would require this type of assistance. As always, wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak

Does CBT work for schizophrenia?

Yes, CBT is an effective evidenced based treatment method for schizophrenia. This is effective along with other treatments and pharmacological management such in patient-centered READ MORE
Yes, CBT is an effective evidenced based treatment method for schizophrenia. This is effective along with other treatments and pharmacological management such in patient-centered care with prescribing of medications, management of them, family intervention, supported employment, assertive community treatment, skills training as recommended, and rarely psychosocial interventions as prescribed from your doctor or licensed mental health care provider and the preferences of the patient. As always wishing you well.


Dr. Ryan Koryciak

Can people with schizophrenia drive?

Yes, many schizophrenics are fully functional and lead normal lives more times than not with correct treatment, medication and management, although depending on some and their READ MORE
Yes, many schizophrenics are fully functional and lead normal lives more times than not with correct treatment, medication and management, although depending on some and their specific illness a doctor or licensed health care professional should be consulted. As always, wishing you well.

Have a good day,

Dr. Ryan Koryciak

Can panic attacks be treated?

Panic attacks stem from anxiety disorders. Medications help to reduce instances of 'panic episodes.' These types of medications are called benzodiazapines, SSRI and SNRI antidepressants READ MORE
Panic attacks stem from anxiety disorders. Medications help to reduce instances of 'panic episodes.' These types of medications are called benzodiazapines, SSRI and SNRI antidepressants assist with this. I highly recommend meditation, yoga, or other physical activities like creative exploration such as coloring, drawing, painting along with deep therapeutic breathing techniques when such panic episodes occur providing the episodes are not life-threatening or inhibiting the person's abilities to do such activities. Especially, if the panic episodes are isolated then can it be easier to implement said recommendations. It is helpful to implement a daily behavioral routine to give the patient's environment some sense of predictability that one can control such as their level of happiness in it with activities such as meditation, yoga, painting, drawing, having peppermint tea with a friend can be very calming as well. Many people stop drinking, alcohol, caffeine, smoking (cannabis and tobacco) and find that it helps as well because these agents can further anxiety. Hope this helps.

Wishing you well,

Dr Ryan Koryciak

What medications are used to treat ADHD?

Many times a good diet rich in organic green leafy vegetables, moderate fruits and plenty of water can help many people in many ways. Also, there is a study that was published READ MORE
Many times a good diet rich in organic green leafy vegetables, moderate fruits and plenty of water can help many people in many ways. Also, there is a study that was published by The National Library of Medicine which included the observations of Magnesium and Vitamin D supplementation in school-aged children which reported a significant decrease in problematic behaviors, anxiety/shy scores/ and social problems when compared to the placebo in the study. There is an emphasis here in drastically reducing table sugar, candy and sweet intake as well as increasing a good diet rich in lean protein like fish and chicken with vegetables with plenty of fresh water. Now for the medication aspect. There are stimulant and non-stimulant medications used in a clinical settings to address ADHD. Some of the stimulant types are: methylphenidate and amphetamine medications that work by increasing the levels of chemical messengers in the brain concerning focus and concentration. Non-stimulant medications are reserved for those patients who can't tolerate the stimulant types. The non-stimulant types of medications are clonidine, atomoxetine, guanfacine. Also, antidepressants SSRI's and SNRI's can help as well depending on the diagnosis and the specific person. As always the benefits and risks should always be presented to the families and patients taking these medications as they are monitored by licensed clinicians, doctors, and therapists. Hope this helps.

Wishing you well,

Dr Ryan Koryciak

What pill relieves anxiety?

There are many "anxiety pills" that relieve anxiety some better than others and always based on the number of hereditary receptors in every unique person based on biology on what READ MORE
There are many "anxiety pills" that relieve anxiety some better than others and always based on the number of hereditary receptors in every unique person based on biology on what brand of anxiety pill will work the best. The class of pills are called "Benzodiazapines." Some of the brand of medications which are used are: Klonopin, Buspar, Valium, Ativan, however, this list is not exhaustive. These are used many times as an "onsite" when anxiety happens type administration of the medication and are often used in conjunction with mood stabilizers, antidepressants and any other medication deemed helpful by your licensed mental health care provider. As always this is always monitored by a case managers, therapists, and doctors and any other licensed healthcare provider who are prescribing the medications. Hope this helps, as always.

Wishing you well,


Dr Ryan Koryciak

How long should you stay on antidepressants for anxiety?

This is somewhat dependent on the current health conditions, The type of medicine and it's side effects as it pertains to the individual person, the dosages, the number of depressive READ MORE
This is somewhat dependent on the current health conditions, The type of medicine and it's side effects as it pertains to the individual person, the dosages, the number of depressive episodes and any risks for relapse. A medication adjustment can usually help if someone is at risk for certain side effects or to stop the furthering of a specific health disparity if the medication could be a risk factor, however, only a licensed mental health professional who is currently watching over your case can make this call regarding your specific health situations and any adjustments. Hope this helps.

Wishing you well.

Dr. Ryan Koryciak

What therapy is successful in treating schizophrenia?

This is a textbook answer from a government website to the most current information on what is commonly a go-to when treating schizophrenia "Five main approaches to psychosocial READ MORE
This is a textbook answer from a government website to the most current information on what is commonly a go-to when treating schizophrenia "Five main approaches to psychosocial intervention had been used for the treatment of schizophrenia: cognitive therapy (cognitive behavioral and cognitive remediation therapy), psychoeducation, family intervention, social skills training, and assertive community treatment. The type or types of therapy are based on any number of the categories just described previously and of course may be tailored depending on whether other 'comorbidities' or 'other illnesses' or 'adverse behaviors' are present which may include one or more of a combination of CBT therapy, DBT therapy, CRT therapy. This is where a licensed psychologist and a licensed psychotherapist comes in because they have been trained in these methods and have much knowledge of the mental health disparities and solutions that are available which also include medications, medication management, psychotherapy and any other peer-reviewed method or therapy necessary always for the highest and greatest good of the person and their mental health and well being.

online source:

Does CBT work for depressive disorder?

Here is another textbook answer taken from a government source: "Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most evidence-based psychological interventions for the treatment READ MORE
Here is another textbook answer taken from a government source: "Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most evidence-based psychological interventions for the treatment of several psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorder, and substance use disorder. The uses are recently extended to psychotic disorders, behavioral medicine, marital discord, stressful life situations, and many other clinical conditions." (see online source below). Keep in mind that most conditions are best supported by psychotherapy AND psychopharmacology together with other things too such as mediation, walking in nature etc. as decided by the needs and desires of the patient in concordance with a licensed mental health care professional.

Online source:

What is a treatment plan for alcohol abuse?

With Alcohol use disorder or AUD it can exacerbate the underlying issues present which helped the person to drink in the first place. Most often people drink to alleviate tension READ MORE
With Alcohol use disorder or AUD it can exacerbate the underlying issues present which helped the person to drink in the first place. Most often people drink to alleviate tension from work, familial conflicts, interpersonal relationships, personal conflicts or any other issue the individual may feel inadequate about or feel they need help with. Nevertheless it is a serious disorder which begs the attention of an aggressive in some cases or at least a well supported outline of support available to the individual suffering with this disorder. I have included a treatment outline taken from a government source which I feel is all encompassing to the point that it includes the patient going to AA or NA groups, medication, medication management for the AUD itself, inpatient or outpatient hospitalizations, clinical counseling, patient education with patient centered planning in their therapy. Here is the detailed government source link: Hope this helps,

Wishing you well

Dr Koryciak

What helps someone with ADD?

ADHD can be a very problematic condition for many people including children and youth populations. If you or someone you know has ADHD or you think they may have ADHD then always READ MORE
ADHD can be a very problematic condition for many people including children and youth populations. If you or someone you know has ADHD or you think they may have ADHD then always a good idea to have them completely assessed by a mental healthcare provider with correct testing and the correct medications and diet that will help treat their condition(s). This can be daunting for many families but much needed for the sake of the success of their life in the future. In many cases, medications prove to be very beneficial and helpful to the person affected with ADHD. Many people with ADHD have nutrient deficiencies with the 'gut-brain connection' Magnesium happens to be a very common complementary treatment for ADHD since it helps replace what is oftentimes lost to malabsorption in the gastrointestinal system through the process of digesting foods, although in all cases it should not be the only thing used in treatment interventions, however, the full scope should be assessed by your healthcare provider-centric to the patient: Please see article by ITL Health:,complement%20the%20standard%20treatment%20prescribed%20by%20your%20doctor.
Hope this helps, wishing you well.

What is a good mood stabilizer for anxiety?

Anxiety is commonly treated with SNRIs and SSRI antidepressant medication in some cases such as in the cases of social anxiety disorders or panic disorders. Of course, the pathway READ MORE
Anxiety is commonly treated with SNRIs and SSRI antidepressant medication in some cases such as in the cases of social anxiety disorders or panic disorders. Of course, the pathway of anxiety and its causes are usually very different in each case so this will need to be talked about with a professional mental health care provider or your doctor as to the best course of action. Medications are usually also used as therapeutic interventions with CBT, DBT, and other therapies as determined by your provider as medications are only one part of the treatment. There are other medications often used (benzodiazepines for GAD symptoms) but again, depending on the person, effect, and the diagnosis and comorbidities present these will be prescribed and managed uniquely for each person in different ways. Mood stabilizers are prescribed for the management of mood affect disorders as seen in bipolar disorder to help 'stabilize' the mood from hypomania, mania, and hypermania symptoms. As always talk to your health care professional and seek a treatment plan after a diagnosis to assist in a plan or strategy in managing any symptoms. Hope this helps, have a good day.