Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Is root canal treatment painful?

I will have a root canal treatment. Is root canal treatment painful?

4 Answers

Expect some soreness after a root canal which subsides in the first 5-7 days
Root canal treatments themselves shouldn't be painful! Dentists use local anesthesia to numb the area beforehand, making the procedure similar to getting a filling. You might feel some pressure during the treatment, but no significant pain.

However, you may experience some mild discomfort or tenderness after the procedure as the area heals. This is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers. If you have any concerns or experience severe pain, Book an Appointment Today with Family Dental Simi Valley.
It depends. Usually root canals should not hurt but if you have an infection, it can cause the anesthetic to not fully numbs the tooth. Therefore, if the tooth is infected and can not numb fully then pain is common. Most endodontists are aware of this and can make you comfortable
Root canal treatment should be no worse than a filling. Once you are numbed up, there should be no pain. If the nerve is already dead, you shouldn't even need to be numbed up, by why take chances. Sometimes, the nerve is so badly damaged that it requires additional anesthesia. Even less frequently, you could have a hot tooth, so badly damaged nerve (not sleeping, constant pain, etc) that it won't get numbed up at all. Anti-inflammatories before treatment may help, but your endodontist (root canal specialist) is trained to deal with these extreme cases. Bottom line, don't worry, it isn't as bad as the horror stories make it out to be. Good Luck