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Can I become dependent on Celexa?

I was put on Celexa two months ago, and my psychiatrist told me that I wouldn't be addicted to it and that I had nothing to worry about. But I'm finding myself taking it more...

How do I ween myself off of opioid medications?

I've been taking opioid medications to deal with my chronic pain, but now I feel like I'm addicted to them. My husband pointed it out to me yesterday when I was taking more than...

Can medications help my son not relapse?

My son was using heroin for a few years, and he's been in rehab for about 6 months now. The rehab actually thinks it's okay to send him home because of the progress he's making....

Can hypnosis help me give up smoking?

I heard hypnosis can help people get rid of a smoking addiction. Is this a more effective way to kick the habit than any medication or patch?

Are headaches due to stop-smoking medicines normal?

My husband is taking medication to quit smoking and ends up with bad headaches after he takes his prescription. Is this normal?

Should I consider suboxone for my son?

My son is addicted to opioid medication and is going to a day program for rehabilitation. I want to suggest suboxone because I've heard of its benefits. Is this really something...

Are there natural medications that can help me overcome addiction?

My husband is an alcoholic, and he hasn't gone to AA in over a month without telling me. I'm trying to help him. Are there any natural medications that can help him get over...

How Can I Finally Overcome my Pain Medication Addiction?

For over 10 years now, on and off, I have been addicted to pain medication. I do have horrific headaches that leave me unable to function when they come on. I got addicted to...

What is the treatment for painkiller addiction?

I think my mother is addicted to painkillers. Psychologically, she believes she has body pain and now mindlessly pops a painkiller whenever she feels the pain. Is there a treatment...

Is there any medication to help my husband quit alcohol?

My husband drinks a lot of alcohol, and it causes him to have sudden outbursts with both me, and sometimes the kids. Is there any medication that can help him quit? What other...

How can I help my son with his recovery?

My son was a heroin addict and just came back from rehab to continue his recovery. He's going to the meetings and everything seems to be going okay. Is there anything that I...

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