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Blood in the urine. What could be the reason for this?

I am a 21-year-old boy and this morning I noticed reddish urine which appeared to be like traces of blood in my urine. I have had no falls or injuries or any sort of viral infections....

I am urinating more frequently than before. What could be the reason for this?

I am a 36-year-old woman and all of a sudden I am noticing that I am urinating more frequently than before. I understand this happens during the monsoons or winters, but why is...

I have dark urine despite being hydrated - What's wrong?

I drink plenty of water every day, but my urine is dark yellow. Could it be something else?

I have to get up to pee throughout the night and it interrupts my sleep. Is something wrong?

I can't get a good night's sleep anymore because I have to get up to pee multiple times during the night. Is there something wrong?


Kidneys working at only 14%, on Ciprofloxaxin. What to expect in ongoing healthcare?

Is there any way to pass a kidney stone more quickly?

Once in a while, I get kidney stones. They are caused by my furosemide. Is there any way I can make them pass faster or less painfully?

Female urology?

I get frequent UTIs and I am not finding the right treatment from my OBGYN. Is there such a thing as a female urologist? ?

Cloudy urine with strong odor- What could it be?

I am 4 months pregnant and have noticed in the last week that my urine is extremely cloudy every time I urinate. It also has a strong odor of ammonia or a chemical smell. What...

Why was I referred to a nephrologist?

After having 3 instances of kidney stones, my urologist has referred me to a nephrologist. What do they do? How will this experience be different from a urologist?

I have to get up to pee throughout the night and it interrupts my sleep. Is something wrong?

I can't get a good night's sleep anymore because I have to get up to pee multiple times during the night. Is there something wrong?

My child has frequent UTIs -- What's wrong?

My child has had 3 UTIs in the past 8 months (she is 7 yrs old) and our pediatrician doesn't seem to think there's an issue, but I'm worried.

Should I be concerned about kidney conditions in my son?

My son is only 7 years old, but kidney conditions very heavily run in both sides of the family. Is it possible for a child this young to be affected?

I have high blood pressure. How can I protect my kidneys?

Both high blood pressure and kidney issues run in my family. I want to do anything I can to protect myself from having the same issues down the road. Is there anything I can...

What are kidney stones made out of? How can I prevent them?

I'm nervous of kidney stones because they run in my family. What are they made out of? Is there any way to prevent them from happening?

UTIs (male) with no symptoms?

It has happened a few times where I go to the doctor, give a urine sample, and results confirm UTI bacteria even though I never felt any symptoms. Is this a sign of something...

Natural treatment for kidney stone?

Once in a while, I get kidney stones. I've never gone to the hospital for them as they have been relatively small. Is there a natural way to treat and prevent them that doesn't...

Protein in urine question

I have a history of a small amount of protein in my urine. Am I at risk of kidney disease? How will I know?

UTI infection question

How is it that a UTI can have such an effect on an older person? How does it affect their memory?

UTIs (male) with no symptoms?

It has happened a few times where I go to the doctor, give a urine sample, and results confirm UTI bacteria even though I never felt any symptoms. Is this a sign of something...

I can't seem to control my bladder. Do I need surgery?

I have urinary incontinence and I leak urine consistently. How can this be treated? Do I need surgery?

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