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Can an ultrasound of a chin lump show whether it has cancer or not? I have a 1. 6cm lump under my chin for 6 years now i did an ultrasound 1 year after i boticed ut and it showed...

Daily nasal congestion

For the past couple of weeks I have been suffering from some kind of nasal infection. My nasal passages clear up in the morning then begin to plug in late afternoon and are...

Mouth sores

Hello, my wife has had this problem now for a few weeks where inside her mouth it hurts really bad to swallow and eat. She has a severe white covering of her tongue and walls...


Hi, a few days ago I woke up with my left ear muffled. It felt like it was clogged so I went to go clean out both my ears with q tips. It did help but not really. When I woke...

Pressure in head and neck

Hello, I was diagnosed with severe strep throat on Sunday 8/27, symptoms started on Friday 8/25. I was prescribed and started Amoxicillin 875mg TID x7 days and started Sunday...

Possible Mouth Cancer?

My buccal mucosa in the right side of my mouth is inflamed. Alone with some ear pain and soreness, some stinging when I swallow.

Why have my ears been popping for months?

My ears have been popping when I swallow, yawn, and more for about 3 months now. I dont know why but I've been doing some research and google told me it could be the buildup of...

Ear infection

About 7 days ago I developed a sore throat, which also eventually added sinus pressure. I also felt like my ear was clogged, but I get wax build up a lot so I thought it was that....

Can an ear infection be fixed without medications?

I have an ear infection. Can an ear infection be fixed without medications?

Can ear infection be fixed with natural methods?

I have an ear infection. Can ear infections be fixed with natural methods?

Can hearing loss in one ear be fixed?

I have a sudden hearing loss in my right ear. Can hearing loss in one ear be fixed?

Can an ear infection go away without medications?

I have an ear infection. Can an ear infection go away without medications?

My ears are horrible and making life miserable. What should I do

Trying to figure out what I should do. I have ears that are constantly full of liquid, painful, itchy and I can not hear most days. Meaning I have about 20 percent of my hearing...


Is this a serious form of tonsillitis I’ve had it for 2 months now


I’ve had a headache since yesterday morning, mainly around my eyes, eyebrows and forehead. Lastnight I noticed my forehead seemed swollen. I took ibuprofen lastnight before bed,...

Why do I produce so much ear wax every few months in the last few years?

I’ve been getting ear wax removed every few months (2-3) for the past two years. Why is this happening to me all the time now? I never used to have this problem. Why does my...


My throat has been scratchy and itchy for a week and I have had a cough off and on for three weeks.

Are there any natural treatments for chronic tonsillitis?

I have chronic tonsillitis. Are there any natural treatments for chronic tonsillitis?

Can I treat tonsillitis at home?

I have tonsillitis. Can I treat tonsillitis at home?

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