Dentist Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

How long do dental implants last?

I want to get a dental implant for my missing tooth. How long do dental implants last?

4 Answers

Dental implants are designed to be a long-lasting solution for missing teeth, and with proper care, they can last many years, often several decades and if
well-maintained it can last a lifetime.
Here are some factors that influence the longevity of dental implants: Oral Hygiene, Regular Dental Check-ups, Quality of the Implant and Procedure, Bone Health, Lifestyle Factors (smoking for example is a risk for implant failure), Medical Conditions (some medical condition such as uncontrol diabetes can affect long-term success of implant) and Mechanical Factors (for example grinding or clenching is a risk factor).
Dental implants can last a very long time, but just like teeth you have to take care of them as well.
Dental implants if placed properly and taken care if should last at least ten years to a lifetime.  Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
85% implant last around 10 years