Urologist Questions Urologist

Urinary issues?

Three weeks ago, I had a problem and could not urinate at all on August 23rd. This was out of the blue, I have never had a problem before. No pain anywhere just could not pee. They did say I had a moderate size prostate from an MRI I had to have for my back and hip a few months before. I went to Kaiser emergency for hours. They ended up putting a catheter in and gave me Flowmax 4mg to take one a day. I talked on the phone only to a Kaiser urologist on Thursday, August-Sept 27th and he said to go out again to Urology at Kaiser that Friday morning August-Sept 28th and have the catheter taken out and come back that afternoon and see how I do.

I did and still could not pee. He also had the nurses add another Flowmax to two a day and another Proscar one a day. I was to go back and do the same thing again and have the catheter removed Wednesday, Sept 2nd. When I did go back on Sept 2nd I was able to pee some during the day after having it removed. The nurse decided I didn't need it now. So far to this day today, I am able to pee a lot better than it was, it is a challenge at times, up and down still. I do not like the side effects of these medications that they have me on. Bad headaches, bad depression, and sexual issues. I don't want this to happen. I want to try herbal supplements like stinging nettle and saw Palmetto and such.

I was very upset that I could not talk to or see the doctor. Everything done was done by nurses. When I talked to the doctor again only on the phone that afternoon on Sept 2nd and asked why I can't see him. I never had any kind of exam to look at me to see what was going on all at ever. Even in Emergency at first, they just did an ultrasound and said oh yea your bladder if full you need a catheter. The Urologist was very vague about everything. And saying well give a month and if you feel like you need an exam for my peace of mind contact Kaiser. I am very upset. I feel like I can't depend on my provider. I am a white male 61 disabled on SSI and Medicare. I am trying to reach out for other opinions on what to do. Thank you. Mike - modonnell81@gmail.com.

Male | 61 years old
Complaint duration: 18
Medications: Flowmax & Proscar

1 Answer

That's easy. Get a 2nd opinion. You probably were living close to the edge and something tipped you over. Once your bladder stretched out, you're on the "other side" of the edge and struggling. You likely will need long-term medication (you're on 2 of the big 3 we use). The 3rd med you could use is Cialis 5 mg daily. If a patient doesn't want to be on meds then I'd look in and see the configuration of the prostate. Options depending on size and configuration include TURP (laser or regular), UroLift, Rezum, etc. UroLift is the only treatment without sexual side effect. If it was me, I'd probably try the combination of tamsulosin and Cialis and see if that'9s better. If not, seek treatment.

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