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What is the best treatment for kidney cancer?

My friend was diagnosed with kidney cancer. What is the best treatment for kidney cancer?

Can CT scan dye cause constipation?

I am constipated after CT dye. Can CT scan dye cause constipation?

Is CT scan dye safe for children?

My daughter will have a CT scan with dye. Is CT scan dye safe for children?

Is an abdominal MRI scan painful?

I will have an abdominal MRI scan. Is an abdominal MRI scan painful?

Can CT scan with dye detect cancer?

I will have a lung CT scan. Can CT scan with dye detect cancer?

How should I prepare for an MRI scan?

I will have an MRI scan of the brain. How should I prepare for an MRI scan?

Is prostate cancer treatment done under anesthesia?

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Is prostate cancer treatment done under anesthesia?

What treatment is best for stage 1 colon cancer?

I was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer. What treatment is best for stage 1 colon cancer?

How to fight fatigue after radiotherapy?

I have fatigue after radiotherapy. How to fight fatigue after radiotherapy?

How long are you radioactive after radiation treatment?

I will have radiotherapy. How long are you radioactive after radiation treatment?

How to prepare for a brain CT scan?

I will have a brain CT scan. How to prepare for a brain CT scan?

Is CT scan accurate for liver disease?

I will have a liver CT scan. Is CT scan accurate for liver disease?

How long does it take for iodine to leave your body after a CT scan?

I will have a CT scan with dye. How long does it take for iodine to leave your body after a CT scan?

What to avoid after radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. What to avoid after radiotherapy?

When can I fly after radioactive iodine treatment?

I will have radioactive iodine treatment. When can I fly after radioactive iodine treatment?

When will I get the results of a thyroid CT scan?

I will have a thyroid CT scan. When will I get the results of a thyroid CT scan?

What are the side effects of vein ablation?

I want to fix varicose veins on my legs with ablation. What are the side effects of vein ablation?

What activities to avoid after a radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. What activities to avoid after radiotherapy?

How long does CT dye stay in the system?

I will have a CT scan with dye. How long does CT dye stay in the system?

How should I prepare for a spine CT scan?

I will have a spine CT scan. How should I prepare for a spine CT scan?

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