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I'm really scared of pain and really scared of needles but I need to get my stitches out because I had foot surgery on Thursday what can I do to minimize my discomfort my fear...

How long should I take antibiotics for pneumonia?

I have pneumonia. How long should I take antibiotics for pneumonia?

How do I keep my heart healthy after a heart attack?

I had a heart attack 3 weeks ago. How do I keep my heart healthy after a heart attack?

whats wrong with me

my left foot is swollen and it hurts so bad and it been like this for 3 weeks and my right foot just started hurting but no swelling and my left foot sweats and gets hot and red...

Heart rate problem

I am 15 years old and I just started taking inderal 40mg today at 4: 00pm and currently 3: 30 am and my heart rate is 56 beats per minute should I take another inderal tablet as...

Cough runny nose pulled muscle

I have a constant wet cough , from coughing too much I pulled a muscle on the left side of my chest /side boob, and a runny nose. Pain scale (pulled muscle) 1-10 is a 10 broke...

Cirrhosis of the liver

My boyfriend was told he has cirrhosis of the liver for almost a month now his legs are swollen I mean really swollen and his stomach swelled up as well he's lost weight and has...

I am just wondering what grade of burn this is. a drop of hot plastic hit my finger

It doesn't have any pain when I touch it. It is a hard white lump. I'm just wondering what grade of burn this is.

Am sick

I been sick since Sunday and my throat feel swollen and sore and I been puking and stomach pain and chest pain and trouble breathing and headache and muscle aches and cold and...

Is surgery necessary for appendicitis?

I was diagnosed with appendicitis. Is surgery necessary for appendicitis?

How to fix high blood sugar levels?

I have very high blood sugar levels. How to fix high blood sugar levels?

How long after a heart transplant can you walk?

My friend will have heart transplant surgery. How long after a heart transplant can you walk?

Question re fluid resuscitation and heart failure in ear and procedure

Hello, looking for the protocol for someone elderly in the er that’s receiving fluid resuscitation for sepsis , hypotension, bradycardia and hypothermia Prior to er transfer md...

How long is heart artery stent surgery?

I will get a heart stent. How long is heart artery stent surgery?

Do you need surgery after a heart attack?

My friend had a heart attack yesterday. Do you need surgery after a heart attack?

How long is recovery after a kidney transplant?

My friend will have a kidney transplant. How long is recovery after a kidney transplant?

What pain medications help with spine hernia?

I got a spine hernia from an incident. What pain medications help with spine hernia?

What could cause stomach bleeding?

I was diagnosed with stomach bleeding. What could cause stomach bleeding?

How can I prevent high blood pressure when flying?

I get high blood pressure when flying. How can I prevent high blood pressure when flying?

How long is recovery from a broken ankle?

My daughter broke her ankle. How long is recovery from a broken ankle?

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