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Knee dislocation

My knee is always shifting. . I don't know what to do it's getting worst

Post carpal tunnel surgery

Three weeks post carpal tunnel surgery, wound has healed really well. I have a red swollen area about 1cm by 2cm on my wrist just below the scar. Tender and hypersensitivity...

What does the information below mean

There is mild swelling in the volar soft tissues of the left hand at the level of the 5th MCP joint and extending into the 4th webspace. There is no soft tissue mass What does...

Hip Replacement

I had a hip replacement 2 years ago. Recently I have been getting some pain around my hip and in front of my thigh. The area is feeling cold but when I touch it, it feels normal....

Post-op meniscus repair

I am 1 week post-op meniscus repair and I am experiencing a tingling/burning sensation in my foot suddenly that will not go away. The sensation is constant and started today....

Acl Meniscus and knee arthroscopy

I had Acl Meniscus and knee arthroscopy 6 months post surgery i can bend my knee only till 95 degrees will it improve through physotherapy or should i get re operated For not...

One rib in chest feels more out then others

When I run my fingers over my chest I feel one rib over my breast is more bumped out then the others, and when I arch my chest out it’s really noticeable by touching close to my...

Height Growth

Hello I am 27yr male and I am 5'7 (170cm) right now and I want to grow just up to 172cm. Can you tell me how to grow without surgery? I did stretching 20min everyday and I ate...

24/7 extensive Right Hip groin pain- Q for any orthopaedic hip surgeon or hip specialist .

If a person is still in 24/7 agony in right hip specific to groin area- cracking/soreness/swelling for 9 years worsened to the point now cannot walk Recent MRI done- despite...

Recovery time

How long does it take to recover from an ankle fusion I hade surgery bin June I’m still struggling to walk

Left leg

Ankle reconstructive surgery and gastroc recession 2 years ago. Tore calf in the same leg back in june. Got and MRI that says Within the proximal tibial diaphysis, patchy area...

Cut nerve in fingertip

Hello, 3 weeks ago I cut my finger just above the joint nearest the fingertip. The cut was 5mm deep, I visited a hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam, where they gave me stitches....

Ankle hardware pain

I had an ankle ligament repair with the anthrex internal brace six years ago. Last week I heard and felt a pop in the same spot. It hurts to move my ankle out. My walking is...

What could cause pop on inner upper knee

I felt so pop/snap in inner rear knee followed by burning sensation and sharp aching pain that radiates up inner thigh to inner groin area

How soon after Iontophoresis can I return to exercise

How soon after Iontophoresis can I return to exercise? I'm a pro soccer player. I'm 36. I've been injured with tendonitis since the middle of July. I just finished my Iontophoresis...

Foot ankle pain

I am having pain from arch of foot to outside ankle bone to knee it is constant and stabbing

Drug interaction from TKR

I have had a total knee replacement one month ago, and I am no longer on the stronger pain medication that I have, like tramadol, and oxycodone. I have been taking Robaxin the...

I need a new shoulder

I need a recommendation for a shoulder replacement surgeon. I've been putting it off for 15 years and now I can't take the pain anymore.

I’ve had a separated ac joint grade 1 for 7 months

The shoulder clicks any time I move it. Will this ever go away? I’ve recovered most of my range of motion and pain has subsided about 90% But whenever I try going back to...

What helps with a swollen ankle?

My ankle is swollen. What helps with a swollen ankle?

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