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Sexual health?

When I had sex with my partner the other night, I started bleeding during sex. This has never happened to me before. Am I doing something wrong and will this happen again when...

I’m confused about my vagina?

Well, I want to say that I got tested for HIV/herpes in January and it came back negative. Before that I got tested in November in it was also negative. In January after my test,...

Can I take pain medications during my third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. I have back pain. Can I take pain medications during my third trimester?

Heavy period after covid?

I had covid for about ten days and tested negative on Thursday, the same day my period started. Today, day three, my period has been very heavy with clotting. My periods have...

Voluntary hysterectomy?

I am 41 years old and not having more children. There is going to be a shortage of tampons and pads. My eight year old daughter will need them in 2-3 years. I have fibroids,...

Can I take pain medications for headaches during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and have bad headaches. Can I take pain medications for headaches during pregnancy?

Pregnancy scare?

A month ago, around April 30th, I missed my period. I was worried because although I did not have penetrative sex, I had oral sex. There was no ejaculation, however, I did insert...

Is C-section delivery risky?

I will have a C-section delivery. Is C-section delivery risky?

Can I eat burgers during pregnancy?

I am 20 weeks pregnant. Can I eat burgers during pregnancy?

What can I do with stomach pain during early pregnancy?

I am pregnant and have stomach pain. What can I do with stomach pain during early pregnancy?

Is breast mammogram safe?

I will have a breast mammogram. Is breast mammogram safe?

How should I prepare for a PAP smear?

I will have a PAP smear. How should I prepare for a PAP smear?

Is there any way to prevent miscarriages?

I have a history of miscarriages. Is there any way to prevent miscarriages?

Pregnancy concern?

I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and I’m having brown discharge. Is that normal? I had a miscarriage in January of 2021 I was very early though like 4-5 weeks.

Vaginal bleeding?

I have been bleeding for almost 2 months straight…I did the abortion pill process the first week of April and they said I was going to bleed for about 2 weeks up until my next...

Progesterone contraceptive pills?

I am 18 years old and I want to start getting progesterone contraceptive pills. Can you tell me if I can at my age?

Bleeding again?

I haven't had sex in 4 years but I had sex 2 days after getting off my period was 5 days long. Then I started another period that has lasted now 6 days. What could possibly be...

Is this HPV?

I had sex with a new partner and developed a tear in the process. 2 days after the part became whitish then it was rough to touch and looks spiky when I look in the mirror. It's...

Bleeding early in pregnancy?

I'm about 10 weeks pregnant and today I start bleeding what does that mean?

Do I have a yeast infection? How can I treat it at home?

Two days ago I started feeling some discomfort and thought nothing of it because I'm only 16 and not sexually active. The next day my vulva was very itchy/red and I had a clumpy...

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