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Rapid drug test with false positives?

I'm in drug court. Over the last 4 or 5 months, I have close to 10 tests hit positive but when sent to the lab there obviously negative. It's because I'm not on anything. Why...

Should I go to the ER?

I’m a 38 year old female who’s been addicted to heroin for 18 years, crack and meth for the last 2. I’m always feeling crappy but I’m feeling VERY sick. I’ve had pneumonia before...

What happens if you leave an enlarged prostate untreated?

I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. What happens if you leave an enlarged prostate untreated?

Drug induced chest pain?

When I smoke crack, I get immediate discomfort in my chest. Especially on the left side. When I move it goes away but when I stop moving it comes back. It lasts about 10 minutes...

Ativan advice?

My psychiatrist put me on Zoloft and Ativan for my anxiety disorder and OCD. The Ativan I have been on for five weeks. 0. 5mg tablets. I'm supposed to take 1mg at bed. I cut...

Do I need to gradually stop taking medication?

I have been taking 5mg of Lexapro for 1 month for my anxiety and have decided I don’t want to be on pills and do talk therapy. Do I need to gradually reduce the dose or can I...

Suboxen withdrawals?

If a person uses Suboxen (buprenorphine) for only a month, will they have bad withdrawals? I’ve been prescribed subs for withdrawal from a prescription pill problem, but I don’t...

Nose infection?

I will just cut straight to the point for the past month I have been using cocaine frequently as of today I am five days clean. I am noticing that my nose is very sore and burns...

Quitting Prozac cold turkey?

I'm desperate for answers on the internet, I am a female, about 95-100 pounds and lost my bottle of 10mg Prozac. if I stop taking it cold turkey, will it have bad effects? I...

Please suggest your opinion?

I am a 30 years male. People call me psycho and I know I have a problem in 2016. I consulted a psychiatrist and he told me his name but I don’t remember. He prescribed sizodon,...

Ambien CR withdrawal?

So, my doctor retired and the NP that is taking his cases over would not renew my Ambien. I get that but she put me on Belsomra. Doesn't she know that you can't just QUIT the...

Opiate use-legal?

I’m looking for a doctor to help with long-term opiate use stemming from domestic violence. They so easily prescribe codeine/w Tylenol I’m getting really scared. As with most...

Klonopin for methamphetamine use/negative side effects?

I am prescribed klonopin 1mg 3x a day for anxiety/panic attacks. Well, for the last 2 days I have been smoking methamphetamine off and on. I am hydrating and did sleep last night....

Prozac prescription?

I was recently prescribed Prozac and I am afraid to start taking it. Is it hard to stop taking once you start? I plan on trying to conceive in a couple of years. I am scared...

What type of therapy is good for drug addiction?

My friend has a drug addiction. What type of therapy is good for drug addiction?

Should I go to a psychiatrist for drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to treat it. Should I go to a psychiatrist for drug addiction?

Is it safe to mix diazepam and zopiclone?

I have started taking 5 mg of diazepam twice a day to help with Xanax withdrawal's but I can't sleep at night since coming off Xanax. Is it safe to take 7. 5mg of Zopiclone at...

Medicines and depression?

What happens if I take 13 Zoloft, 8 sleeping pills, and 4 pain pills?

Controlled substance medication and Delta 8?

Can I lose my Adderall prescription for ADHD if I fail a drug screen for Delta 8 THC? This substance is legal in my state.

What is the first step in treating alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. What is the first step in treating alcohol addiction?

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