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Back pain and narcotics online

Have had back pain for two weeks now. Can I get prescribed narcotics for the pain?

Shin and calf strain

I have striking tight pain in my shins and calves from my medication I think- I cant move my legs are so tight

Wrist pain

It's been 3 weeks, I felt like a popping but not a bone popping in my wrist. The pain is dull and achy mostly. It's located by my thumb currently, I have also felt pain in the...

I think i broken a blood vessel

3 days ago, a big chair fell on my left foot. Causing in to hurt bad. A day later, I noticed a 2 inch bruise on my left foot. It had red spots and black spots in the bruise....

Sprained ankle

I have a sprained ankle and have to keep working I've been able to take three days off and it is not painful to work but still tender It is either a moderate or minor sprain no...


Hand pain that will not go away been there since the 6th October this year after a car accident cannot put pressure on it no matter what I do I’m 23 currently on no medication...


After falling on my right knee, leg has swollen and is now bruised from knee to foot. Is there a best way to alleviate swelling? Currently I am elevating my leg when sitting....

Dent at the top of wrist

Last year I started having issues extending and flexing my wrist. It was usually on and off but this year it got so bad I felt pain while writing. Had surgery a few months ago...

Should I get looked at

I think I broke my knuckle on my thumb but where my hand is at close to my palm hurts super bad wearing a brace and there’s pain in my whole hand now not sure if I should go in?...

menstrual associated pain

I had a surgery done on morton neuroma years ago but since then I have this weird thing that when I menstruate and have my regular cycle cramps, the part of my foot that had the...

Is it possible to still have foot pain after having a vehicle on top of my foot?

I was trying to get in the back seat of my dad's jeep and he had pulled away a little bit. In the process, he had pulled his vehicle on top of my foot. He told me to pull my...

My wife’s shoulder

She has had constant pain in her shoulder and arm for a week now with no know trauma and no relieve from meds. What could it be

My wife’s shoulder

She has had constant pain in her shoulder and arm for a week now with no know trauma and no relief from meds. What could it be?

Is this hand dislocated

A doctor said this hand was just broken however it turned out to be dislocated. Do these X-rays show a dislocated hand?

Lumbar Herniated Disc question

I have a herniated disc in my lumbar. Can that issue cause pain in your neck and mid to upper back? My neck pain is getting worse every day. I was only given an MRI on my thoracic...


Does co-morbid sarcoidosis affect re-operated shoulder? According to a provider, the potential for prolonged recovery is great.

Groin strain

I was treated 4 weeks ago for a groin strain. Put on steroids for 5 days and given a shot in the joint. I continue to have pain in my groin, leg, knee and hip on my left side....

Knee pain

I have been battling with knee pain for a very long time. I noticed once I play football or sprint run, my knee swells up, hurts and causes me to limp when I walk. Over years...

Back Pain

My back hurts. It has been hurting for 3 days. It hurts when I bend forward. Also hurts to walk.

Advice on Injured Fingers

Sustained trauma to my pinky and ring finger of right hand. Had a pull - rope wrapped around my fingers to start a Portable Generator the day before Hurricane Ian Hit S....

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