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Can you help with shortness of breath?

I have shortness of breath. Can you help with shortness of breath?

Can you do something with anemia?

I was diagnosed with anemia. Can you do something with anemia? What are the treatment options?

Does acupuncture help disc hernia?

I have a disc hernia. Does acupuncture help disc hernia?

Can you help me with migraines?

I have migraines and want to treat them. Can you help me with migraines?

Can acupuncture help with high hemoglobin levels?

I have high hemoglobin levels. Can acupuncture help with high hemoglobin levels?

Can acupuncture be done on the back?

I have back pain and want to treat it. Can acupuncture be done on the back?

Can acupuncture be done on the neck?

I have neck pain and want to treat it. Can acupuncture be done on the neck?

How can acupuncture help headaches?

I have headaches and want to fix them. How can acupuncture help headaches?

What home remedy is good for a kidney infection?

I have a kidney infection. What home remedy is good for a kidney infection?

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