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What type of treatment is best for groin hernia?

I have a groin hernia. What type of treatment is best for groin hernia?

How can I prepare for a hernia surgery?

I will have surgery for a groin hernia. How can I prepare for a hernia surgery?

When can I exercise after hernia surgery?

I will have inguinal hernia surgery. When can I exercise after hernia surgery?

How do you treat an inguinal hernia in a child?

My daughter has an inguinal hernia. How do you treat an inguinal hernia in a child?

When should a pediatric inguinal hernia be repaired?

My daughter has an inguinal hernia. When should a pediatric inguinal hernia be repaired?

How long is recovery after hernia surgery?

I will have hernia surgery. How long is recovery after hernia surgery?

Do you have pain after lipoma surgery?

I want to remove a lipoma from my back. Do you have pain after lipoma surgery?

Do you have pain after lipoma surgery?

I want to remove a lipoma from my back. Do you have pain after lipoma surgery?

Can abdominal lipoma be surgically removed?

I have an abdominal lipoma. Can abdominal lipoma be surgically removed?

Is inguinal hernia surgery painful?

I have an inguinal hernia. Is inguinal hernia surgery painful?

How long after a heart transplant can I drink alcohol?

I will have a heart transplant surgery. How long after a heart transplant can I drink alcohol?

Can I exercise 1 month after hernia surgery?

I had inguinal hernia surgery 1 month ago. Can I exercise one month after hernia surgery?

How do you treat an infected stitched wound?

I have an infected stitches wound. How do you treat an infected stitched wound?

How long is recovery after inguinal hernia repair?

I will have inguinal hernia surgery. How long is recovery after inguinal hernia repair?

What antibiotics treat infected stitches?

I have infected stitches. What antibiotics treat infected stitches?

Do antibiotics help in wound healing?

I have a wound infection. Do antibiotics help in wound healing?

How to fix a stitch infection?

I have a stitch infection 1 week after the surgery. How to fix a stitch infection?


Is it possible for my surgeon to repair tennis and golfers elbow at the same time?

What should you not do after a colonoscopy?

I will have a colonoscopy. What should you not do after a colonoscopy?

What to avoid after appendix surgery?

I will have appendix surgery. What to avoid after appendix surgery?

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