Plastic Surgeon
Hootan Zandifar, MD
Thank you for your question. The short answer to your question is that yes plastic surgery can correct a deviation of your nose. The procedure that is performed to improve the appearance of the nose is called a Rhinoplasty Procedure. You may recognize it as a Nose Job procedure. When performed correctly a nose job can improve the outward appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure and thus is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the degree and location of the deviation of your nose, a nose job can be done via an open approach (small scar under the base of the nose) or a closed approach (no visible external scar). The surgeon will then expose and address the deviation accordingly. The recovery for this surgery is usually 7-10 days.
Thank you for your question. This is a very common question. After a facelift, the sutures will be removed anywhere from 7-10 days after surgery. Typically, my patients can go out in public at around 2 weeks. If there is any swelling or bruising it is usually well hidden with a scarf. Incisions are nicely hidden in natural creases of the face and hair can be worn in a way to cover them.
Thank you for your question. A Rhinoplasty or a Nose Job is the type of surgery that is done to enhance the shape and appearance of the nose. If done correctly, the results should last you a lifetime.
Thank you for your question. I know that as a 27 year old, the prospect of losing your hair is worrisome. Know that there are a few options for you. First, that is a pretty early age to lose hair so you should have a thorough history and examination to ensure there is no other causes of baldness. Then, you should start some sort of oral or topical medication to decrease the rate of hair loss. Then depending on the amount of hair loss you have so far we can either treat you with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injection or replace the existing hair with a hair transplant procedure. Using a follicular unit extraction technique, we can naturally replace the lost hairs with no visible scarring.
First of all let me say that I am sorry you are struggling with hair loss. You should know that female hair loss is not that uncommon. First, you need to have a thorough evaluation to pin point the cause of hair loss. Although, the most common cause is the same as in men (genetic), other causes such as hormone imbalance, traction Alopecia, nutritional deficiencies and so on can be seen more in women. These causes are often reversible. Once we have found the cause, then we are left with treatments. If we can reverse the cause then that is the first course of action. We can also treat the scalp with topical medications and there are oral medications that you can take to promote hair growth. PRP injections can be very helpful in restoring density to the hair. Finally, hair transplantation is an excellent way to restore a natural fuller hair. I want to introduce you to an organization that as a hair transplant specialist I work very closely with. It is called The Brave Program. It is a charitable organization dedicated to education and resource building for females suffering from hair loss. Their website is There you should be able to have access to multiple levels of information and resource to better guide you. I hope this helps.
A typical recovery time from a rhinoplasty is 10-14 days. Generally, the first 7 days you have an external nasal cast and if you had any septal work and internal cast. These are removed at the one week point. If you had an open rhinoplasty procedure then you will get your sutures removed at this visit as well. The nose is swollen and continues to be for the next few days. However, it will quickly look like a normal nose and by day 14 most bruising is gone and you can resume normal activities.
The typical pain and discomfort of a Rhinoplasty is usually very short. Most patients will feel some acute pain the first 24 to 72 hours that is well controlled with medication. After that most patients will feel mostly pressure and throbbing and less pain. Occasionally some patients will have pain for one week but beyond that is very unusual.
Ear pinning surgery (also known as Otoplasty) is usually performed under general anesthesia and so the actually surgery is painless. However, there is some discomfort after surgery but this is usually very minimal and only for a few days. Most patients can manage with over the counter pain meds and do very well post-operatively.
A rhinoplasty is a typical surgery that is done to change the shape of your nose. It should not change your smile, however, immediately after a rhinoplasty and probably for about 2-3 weeks you may notice a change to the shape of your smile due to swelling from your surgery. This should resolve very soon and there should be no residual change to your smile.
There are many ways to refine the shape of your jawline. In most patients this is as simple as expertly placing fillers along the jawline to improve its appearance. However, in some cases we need to place special jaw and chin implants over the bone to achieve the desired results. In some patients we need to perform a facelift or a neck lift to improve the jawline.
The best treatment for deviated septum is a procedure called septoplasty. If the only issue is the deviation this can be done without changing the shape of your nose. However, often times, patients will combine a septoplasty with a rhinoplasty to get improvement of both the shape and the function of the nose. Septoplasty by itself is usually done through the inside of the nose with no visible incision and little to no bruising. The main reason to have a septoplasty is to improve nasal breathing or decrease the amount of nose bleeds.
Yes, empty nose syndrome is an unfortunate complication of some types of nasal surgery. Empty nose syndrome is the condition where your nasal passages are visibly open but you feel like they are obstructed. It can be coupled with dry nose and crusting. The typical case that can lead to this condition is usually a septoplasty with or without turbinate reduction. However, it can also happen with turbinate reduction on its own. A rhinoplasty should not lead to empty nose syndrome unless it is coupled with a septoplasty. Luckily, the risk of empty nose syndrome is low. Some studies suggest that it is around 1% although others have suggested it is a little bit higher. The treatments for empty nose syndrome vary and the results are hit and miss.
Brow lifts by themselves don't make your forehead smaller. However, it can be combined with a hairline advancement procedure which can decrease the size of the forehead.
Non-surgical nose job is when fillers are used to change the appearance of the nose. I have to give a word of caution about this procedure. It has a higher rate of complication than a usual filler procedure and the types of complication can be pretty bad. For this reason I don't usually perform this procedure.
Thank you for your question. It is really hard to say exactly how many treatments you need without actually examining you and seeing what it is we are treating. Dermabrasion is a procedure that is done to improve the appearance of scars, skin irregularities and certain other skin conditions. A microdermabrasion is a gentle procedure that is done to resurface the skin and give you skin a healthy glow.
I guess the question is what do you want to change about your eyebrows? If you want them to be higher then yes you can have a brow lift to raise them. This can also be achieved using Botox. If you want fuller eyebrows then yes. This can be done with eyebrow hair transplantation. Hope that answers the question.
There are so many factors that play a role in the efficacy of scar revision surgery. First, the type and location of the scar. Then the length, characteristics and color of the scar. Finally, the amount of normal tissue that is around it. For example, it is very difficult to get rid of a scar that involves a big portion of a body location. In those instances you can improve the appearance but not entirely get rid of it.
This really depends on where you are located. There are some cities that still have rules regarding elective surgery but for the most part majority of the country is moving forward with allowing elective surgeries to proceed.
Thank you for your question. Hair transplant procedures are not generally dangerous. First, you have to make sure that it is being performed by someone with great deal of experience. Second, you want it to be done in a clean facility. Otherwise, hair transplantation using the follicular unit extraction technique (FUE) is a safe and highly effective method to treat balding and thinning of the hair.
Typically after nose surgery I have patients avoid types of food that makes their nose run. These could be spicy or hot foods. Also as the temperature of food goes up so will the blood flow to upper aerodigestive system. So it is best to avoid eating really hot foods and stick with warm or cold food and drinks instead. Good luck with your surgery.