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Abnormal bleeding?

It's a bit personal: every time I have any sort of penetration-type intercourse, via toy or person, I bleed. It's enough to stain whatever was used and several wads of toilet...

AUB and lesion on my cervix?

How long can you go without getting anything done if you have an aub? Does it make you lose weight or make you really sick and do you have pain in your stomach and down below?...

I have a hard lump above my clitoris?

I felt a hard lump directly above my clitoris yesterday. It’s not discolored, painful, or itchy but it has grown larger from yesterday to today.

How do I know if i'm pregnant?

How do I know if i'm pregnant and haven't been feeling good?

Voluntary hysterectomy?

I am 41 years old and not having more children. There is going to be a shortage of tampons and pads. My eight year old daughter will need them in 2-3 years. I have fibroids,...

Protected sex during chlamydia?

I am currently having treatment for chlamydia with doxycycline. My boyfriend (negative for chlamydia) pressured me into having sex with him insisting as long as we had a condom...

Positive pregnancy tests..but negative blood test?

I’m currently 2 weeks late on my period. I’ve been feeling pretty nauseous and bloated recently so I decided I’d take a pregnancy test. Which came out positive, took another...

Should I be concerned?

My period has lasted for 17 days so far. I’m not feeling any physical pain nor am I on any medication. I was wondering if this is something I should seek immediate attention...

Spotting with pregnancy symptoms?

I’m 20 years old and have been experiencing pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, tender breasts, nausea, and vomiting. I took an at-home test that came back negative the day before...

Could the Myo&D-Chiro Inositol be affecting my cycle?

My husband and I are trying to conceive but my periods have always been irregular since I was 16. They started to become normal when I turned into my 20s. They have started coming...

Can I take pain medications for headaches during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and have bad headaches. Can I take pain medications for headaches during pregnancy?

Implantation bleeding?

Hi, I'm wondering what you think about this blood does it look like implantation? It's not heavy and I only see it when I wipe. It's not like coming down to my underwear or anything....

Can Plan B cause late second period?

On April 14, I had sex. On April 15, less than 24 hours later, I took a plan B. 6 days later, on the 21, I got my period 10 days early. My period stopped on the 2nd. It is...

Do my symptoms sound serious?

I'm so concerned for my health but so scared to go to the doctor, a little insight would be great. I'm a 25y/o F, 5'3 & a healthy-ish weight (I suffer from mild eating disorders)...

Is C-section delivery risky?

I will have a C-section delivery. Is C-section delivery risky?

Can I eat burgers during pregnancy?

I am 20 weeks pregnant. Can I eat burgers during pregnancy?

What can I do with stomach pain during early pregnancy?

I am pregnant and have stomach pain. What can I do with stomach pain during early pregnancy?

Is breast mammogram safe?

I will have a breast mammogram. Is breast mammogram safe?

How should I prepare for a PAP smear?

I will have a PAP smear. How should I prepare for a PAP smear?

Is there any way to prevent miscarriages?

I have a history of miscarriages. Is there any way to prevent miscarriages?

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