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Alternative Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction
Healthy Living

Alternative Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

There are various treatments available for erectile dysfunction. But the degree of effectiveness varies across individuals. The treatments are based on the factors that cause the condition and the severity of the situation. It is beneficial to know about the alternative treatment measures for erectile dysfunction.
What Conditions Warrant a Hysterectomy?
Healthy Living

What Conditions Warrant a Hysterectomy?

When a woman is otherwise healthy and of childbearing age, a hysterectomy can be avoided, and alternative treatments that help in alleviating symptoms may be chosen. A hysterectomy as a final surgical solution becomes tenable only when symptoms are grave enough to disrupt normal life and threaten to get out of control.
Cholera and Diarrhea

Cholera and Diarrhea

Cholera and diarrhea are two health problems that go hand in hand. While diarrhea is a given symptom of a cholera infection, diarrhea may be caused by other things.
The Different Stages of Liver Cancer
Healthy Living

The Different Stages of Liver Cancer

Staging of liver cancer is always done after diagnosis. Your doctors uses the information from your scans or tests results to stage your liver cancer accordingly. This staging is very important since it helps your doctor with your liver cancer prognosis and in determination of a treatment method.
What are the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
Healthy Living

What Are the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

A review done in 11 studies to compare the improvement rates of CBT and other forms of therapy as treatments showed that CBT recorded a higher improvement rate in about 60 percent of the cases compared to the other alternative forms of therapy.
Tips on Living with IBS
Healthy Living

Tips on Living with IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome can easily take over a patient's life. However, there are concrete steps a patient can take to manage the condition. Read on to find out more.
Alternative Treatments for Bladder Cancer
Healthy Living

Alternative Treatments for Bladder Cancer

The treatment of bladder cancer is dependent on its stage. Apart from the common treatments for bladder cancer, there some alternative medications and procedures to help treat it. Read this article to learn more!
Reasons Why You Would Need a Cataract Surgery
Healthy Living

Reasons Why You Would Need a Cataract Surgery

There is no need to panic whenever you notice a cataract in your eye. There are cataracts that do not interfere with your sight or your daily productivity. These cataracts may go away on their own and do not necessarily need surgery to be removed. This article focuses on the reasons why a cataract surgery is needed.
What is Gallstone Removal?
Healthy Living

What is Gallstone Removal?

Gallbladder stones are very common can occur due to multiple reasons. These stones are harmless in most people and may not even present any major symptoms.
Holistic Treatments for Bladder Cancer
Healthy Living

Holistic Treatments for Bladder Cancer

It is important to always maintain a healthy lifestyle. As much as possible, try to minimize the risks of getting bladder cancer by using natural remedies. There are also some holistic treatments for bladder cancer that you should know. Continue reading this article to know other alternative treatments for bladder cancer.
What is Obesity: Get the Facts
Diet and Nutrition

What Is Obesity: Get the Facts

Studies suggest that 78 million Americans (one third of the U.S. adult population) are directly or indirectly affected by obesity. This number has been steadily increasing since the 1960s and has not shown any sign of improvement except for slowing down a little in recent years.
Is Cholera Curable?
Diet and Nutrition

Is Cholera Curable?

Cholera is a dangerous infection that - upon development in the body of a human being - causes severe symptoms that can be fatal if not treated early and correctly. This infection is mostly characterized by watery diarrhea, which is the most common symptom of the infection. Continue reading to learn more about the treatment of cholera.
Syphilis: How Does It Affect Men and Women?
Healthy Living

Syphilis: How Does It Affect Men and Women?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that affects both men and women. There is not much difference in men and women as far as symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments are concerned. Continue reading this article to know more!
Can arthritis cause back pain?
Healthy Living

Can Arthritis Cause Back Pain?

Osteoarthritis is the leading type of arthritis that affects all ages. Spinal osteoarthritis, also called spinal spondylosis. is a degeneration of the cartilage of the joints and discs in the neck and lower back. Individuals who are overweight and people with jobs or hobbies that repeatedly stresses certain joints are more susceptible to this ailment.
Recovery for a Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, and Septoplasty
Healthy Living

Recovery for a Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, and Septoplasty

Have you recently undergone or are about undergo a tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, or Septoplasty? Read this article to learn about the recovery process for these procedures, what to expect after the procedures, and how long it may take before you're back to enjoying your normal lifestyle.
Are there Risks to Ablations?
Healthy Heart

Are there Risks to Ablations?

Having a catheter ablation is a better option compared to other medication options, such as anticoagulants and antiarrhythmic drugs. The procedure saves you the trouble of having to take drugs for the rest of your life to keep the heart complications in check.
Alternative Treatments for Testicular Cancer?
Healthy Living

Alternative Treatments for Testicular Cancer?

The search for alternative therapies to treat testicular cancer gains prominence when conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation produce serious side effects that destroy the quality of living. There are a few treatments under naturopathy and oriental medicine that have gained popularity with cancer patients as they do not involve chemical or radiological intervention which damage healthy tissues.
What is a Nerve Ablation?
Healthy Living

What is a Nerve Ablation?

Just like other medical procedures, radiofrequency ablation is not applicable to everybody. People with serious infections or bleeding issues should not receive radiofrequency ablation.
What Tests Determine Pancreatic Cancer?
Healthy Living

What Tests Determine Pancreatic Cancer?

Various tests and procedures can help your doctor diagnose pancreatic cancer. Learn about the multiple tests used to find this type of cancer.

What is Diverticulitis: Can Diverticulitis Cause Serious Complications?
Healthy Living

What Is Diverticulitis: Can Diverticulitis Cause Serious Complications?

Diverticulitis is a medical condition affecting the digestive tract. It is painful and is associated with extreme pain in the lower left abdomen. Learn about this condition and various factors.
What to Expect After a Plastic Surgery
Healthy Living

What to Expect After a Plastic Surgery

Just like any other type of surgery, you should expect many things after a plastic surgery. Some of the things you are likely to experience are pain, infection, loss of blood, and changes on your skin among others. Read this article to know more.
What Is Cervical Spinal Stenosis Surgery?
Healthy Living

What Is Cervical Spinal Stenosis Surgery?

Cervical spinal stenosis surgery is the last treatment option for cervical spinal stenosis. However, before even considering this surgical procedure it is very important to understand what cervical spinal stenosis is and what causes it. Read on and learn everything you need to know about cervical spinal stenosis and its surgical treatment.
Is Testicular Cancer Hereditary?
Healthy Living

Is Testicular Cancer Hereditary?

When researchers compared normal healthy cells and testicular germ cell tumors it was revealed that minor variations or mutations in chromosomal codes were more prevalent in testicular tumors and these changes were causing cancer. Mutations account for half of all known testicular cancers so a family history of cancer, a personal history of testicular cancer and birth defects are playing a more significant role in increasing your risk of developing testicular cancer.
Pathogens that Cause Pneumonia
Healthy Living

Pathogens that Cause Pneumonia

Pathogens are microorganisms that damage its host. Viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites and other microorganisms are involved in the development of pneumonia. Viruses are the major cause of pneumonia in children, while adults who have a weaker immune system usually contract pneumonia through bacteria. Read on to know more about pneumonia-causing viruses and bacteria, and who's at risk of developing this disease.
Managing COPD
Healthy Living

Managing COPD

COPD cannot be cured, but it can be managed with medications to reduce the progression of the disease and improve an individual's quality of life. Management of COPD includes cessation of smoking, medications, inhalers, lung rehabilitation, and surgical interventions.

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