Patient Questions

Huiping Xu is an Expert Contributor on FindaTopDoc. Here are some of their recent answers to patient questions.

Huiping Xu

Less likely antidepressants help brain derived neurotrophic factor to nurture neuron

If it affects your functioning

Certainly related. Pain triggers many emotional disturbances and some people can also imagine pain when there is no underlying findings

Behavioral therapy may help

Unfortunately no cure but some people can remain at relatively good functioning

Need professional evaluation

Depends. Some people are more anxious when they wake up.

Frequently manic symptoms comes with psychosis depends. They are two symptoms but often come hands by hands

Some people have good insight some not

Long term constant pressure stress and long work hours could precipitate depression.

Water, vitamin, veg juice.

Do you mean one med treat both conditions? Paxil and Remeron can have both effects

Normally weeks to maybe couple months. some people may continue to have it then it will not be called postpartum depression anymore and need continued treatment.