0 Miles
3193 Cape Horn Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356
(717) 851-1300
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
2.9 Miles
3065 Windsor Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356
(717) 851-1700
Monday-Wednesday 8am-4.30pm; Thursday 11.30am-8pm; Friday 6am-2.30pm
4.5 Miles
2551 Eastern Blvd., York, PA 17402
(717) 840-2730
Monday-Friday 7.30am-4pm
Veteran's only.
5.1 Miles
1001 South George St., York, PA 17403
(717) 851-2345
Sunday-Saturday 12am-12pm
7.2 Miles
334 Carlisle Ave, York, PA 17404
(717) 848-2596
COVID-19 testing sites are not open for walk-in testing.
22.4 Miles
1500 Highlands Drive, Lititz, PA 17543
(717) 625-5000
Sunday-Saturday 8am-8pm
COVID-19 testing sites are not open for walk-in testing.
24 Miles
500 University Dr., Hershey, PA 17033
(800) 243-1455
Sunday-Saturday 12am-12pm
Testing is not open to the general public; patients must have a doctor's order from the OnDemand app.