0 Miles
4201 Belfort Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(833) 981-0712
Open 24 hours
1.8 Miles
4160 Southside Blvd #10, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 900-1717
Monday-Friday 8am-8pm; Saturday 8am-5pm
For COVID-19 testing, go to the Red Tent in the parking lot with your insurance card and photo ID.
5.9 Miles
1 TIAA Bank Field Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 633-6100
9am-5pm seven days a week.
Parking lot J.
7.4 Miles
1000 Water St, Jacksonville, FL 32204
(904) 630-4000
Wednesday-Monday 8:30AM–5PM (Saturday- Closed)
8.8 Miles
3465 Village Center Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 244-4420
Monday-Friday 7am-5pm
To qualify for testing, you must be in the following zip codes: 32208, 32206, 32204, 32209 and 32254.
9.5 Miles
1633 Race Track Rd, St Johns, FL 32259
(904) 230-6988
Monday-Friday 8am-8pm; Saturday, Sunday 8am-5pm
15.1 Miles
9580 Applecross Rd #106, Jacksonville, FL 32222
(904) 778-9180
Monday-Friday 8am-8pm; Saturday 8am-5pm
For COVID-19 testing, go to the Red Tent in the parking lot with your insurance card and photo ID.
29.3 Miles
400 Health Park Blvd, On-site, St Augustine, FL 30286
Open 24 hours