0 Miles
4440 W 95th St, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
(866) 443-2584
Monday-Sunday 12am-12pm
2.6 Miles
9730 S. Western Ave, Evergreen Park, IL 60805
(708) 572-7575
2.7 Miles
3258 W 111th Street Chicago, IL 60655
(773) 629-8217
8:00 am – 8:00 pm daily
High-risk patients, first responders, and healthcare workers only.
4.5 Miles
4800 W 129th St., Alsip, IL 60803
(708) 377-2169
Monday-Friday 8am-4.30pm
Testing is available to any patient with COVID-19 symptoms.
5.9 Miles
45 West 111th Street, Chicago, IL 60628
(773) 995-3000
Monday-Sunday 9am-9pm
5.9 Miles
45 W 111th St, Chicago, IL 60628
(773) 995-3000
Open 24 Hours
7.9 Miles
5841 S Maryland Ave, Chicago, Illinois
Open 24 hours
7.9 Miles
5841 S Maryland Ave. Chicago, IL 60637
(773) 702-1000
Open 24 hours
8.5 Miles
3824 W. 159th Pl, Markham, IL 60428
(217) 761-3569
Daily 7.30am-3.30pm
The facility has about 750 COVID-19 tests per day.
10.4 Miles
9570 W 159th St., Orland Park, IL 60467
(708) 675-7070
Monday-Friday 8am-4.30pm
Testing is available to any patient with COVID-19 symptoms.