Dr. Naheed Shahid, MD, Internist
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Dr. Naheed Shahid, MD

Concierge Primary Care Doctor

3450 Forest Lane 200 Dallas TX, 75234



Education and Training

Drexel Medical University, PA Internal Medicine Residency 2004

Drexel Medical University, PA M.D. 2001

Rosemont College Honors Liberal Arts, B.S. 1996

Board Certification

American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)

Internal MedicineAmerican Board of Internal MedicineABIM

Provider Details

Female English, Hindi, Urdu
Dr. Naheed Shahid, MD
Dr. Naheed Shahid, MD's Expert Contributions
  • What is the treatment for knee arthritis?

    Understanding Arthritis in the Knee: Causes, Symptoms, and Advanced Treatments A diagnosis of arthritis in the knees can be a life-altering moment. It signals the start of a personal health management project, the success of which can significantly impact your quality of life. Knee arthritis is a common condition, affecting millions, but with advancements in medical science, treatment options now are more effective than ever. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the complexities of knee arthritis, discuss various treatments, and aim to provide valuable insights for anyone navigating this health challenge. The Basics of Knee Arthritis What is Knee Arthritis? Knee arthritis refers to the inflammation of the knee joint caused by the gradual loss of cartilage. The cartilage acts as a cushion and helps to protect the ends of your bones where they meet at the joint. However, when the cartilage wears down, the surface of the bones becomes exposed, leading to the pain and swelling characteristic of arthritis. Types of Knee Arthritis There are different types of knee arthritis, but the two most common are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the result of wear and tear of the joint over time, while Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the synovial membrane that lines the joint. Understanding the Knee Joint The knee is the largest joint in the body and is made up of the lower end of the thigh bone, the upper end of the shin bone, and the knee cap. Surfaces of the bones where they meet are cushioned by cartilage, and bones are held in place by ligaments. Risk Factors for Knee Arthritis Several factors can increase your risk of developing knee arthritis, including: Age Previous joint injuries Obesity Repetitive stress on the knee Genetics Certain occupations or sports activities Symptoms of Knee Arthritis The symptoms of knee arthritis can vary from person to person but often include: Pain, often worsened by activity or weight bearing Stiffness, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity Swelling A feeling of warmth in the joint Limited range of motion Diagnosis and Assessment Diagnostic Tests A doctor can diagnose knee arthritis through a combination of methods, including a physical examination, imaging tests like X-rays or MRIs, and sometimes, blood tests to rule out other types of arthritis. Severity Scales The severity of knee arthritis may be assessed using scales like the Kellgren-Lawrence grading system, which classifies arthritis from minor to severe based on the extent of joint damage seen on X-rays. Functional Assessment In addition to diagnosing the arthritis, doctors may assess your functional limitations using various tools. This helps determine the impact of arthritis on your daily living and aids in planning an appropriate treatment. Non-Surgical Treatments Medications Several over-the-counter and prescription medications are available to manage the symptoms of knee arthritis, including pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and even corticosteroids for short-term relief. Physical Therapy Physical therapy is an essential component of arthritis treatment. It can help in strengthening the muscles around the knee, improving flexibility, and reducing pain through various exercises and techniques. Assistive Devices Using assistive devices like a cane or braces can help take the pressure off your knee and provide some relief, especially during periods of increased pain. Lifestyle Changes Simple lifestyle changes, like losing weight or modifying activities to reduce stress on the knees, can have a significant impact on managing arthritis symptoms. Surgical Options Arthroscopic Surgery Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that allows the surgeon to look inside the knee joint with a tiny camera. It’s often used to diagnose and treat minor knee problems, but it's not typically used for arthritis unless there's a mechanical issue present. Joint Preservation Procedures These procedures are aimed at preserving the natural knee joint by reshaping the bone or by transplanting cartilage and meniscus tissue to create a smoother joint surface. Partial Knee Replacement In a partial knee replacement, only the damaged part of the knee is resurfaced with metal and plastic implants. This is a suitable option for patients with arthritis confined to one part of the knee. Total Knee Replacement Total knee replacement, or arthroplasty, involves removing the damaged surfaces of the bones and replacing it with artificial components made of metal and plastic, effectively creating a new, smooth joint surface. Custom Implants and 3D Printing Recent advancements have led to the development of custom implants and 3D printing technology, allowing for more personalized and precise fitting of replacement knee components. Emerging Therapies Stem Cell Therapy Stem cell therapy is an area of active research. In theory, it involves the injection of stem cells to promote the regeneration of damaged tissue, potentially offering a way to repair or replace damaged cartilage in the knee joint. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) PRP therapy involves a concentration of your platelets into a small amount of plasma. It is then injected into the knee to stimulate healing and possibly regenerate tissue. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology could offer new opportunities for drug delivery directly into the knee joint, potentially providing more targeted and effective treatments. Managing Arthritis Long-Term Follow-Up Care After any form of treatment, follow-up care with your doctor is crucial. It helps in tracking your progress, making necessary adjustments to your treatment, and preventing complications. Long-Term Medication Management For those who require medication, long-term management is necessary. This includes monitoring the effectiveness, adjusting dosages, and watching for side effects. Creating a Supportive Network Dealing with arthritis can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. Creating a support network can provide invaluable assistance in navigating this chronic health condition. Conclusion: Living with Knee Arthritis Knee arthritis, while a significant health challenge, is not a life sentence. With advancements in treatments, a proactive approach to your health, and a supportive team behind you, it's possible to manage your condition and continue leading a fulfilling life. The first step is understanding the options available to you and making informed decisions about your care. If you or someone you know is dealing with knee arthritis, know that you are not alone, and there is a wealth of resources and therapies waiting to help you along the way. READ MORE

  • Can I fix COVID at home?

    Treating Covid at Home: What You Need to Know Countless families are grappling with the specter of Covid-19. As we continue to live through a pandemic, understanding how to manage the virus at home has become a crucial skill. This comprehensive guide provides practical advice for those diagnosed with Covid-19 and their caregivers. From self-care tips to recognizing severe symptoms, equip yourself with the knowledge to protect your health and the ones you love during these uncertain times. What to Do When You First Notice Covid-19 Symptoms Receiving a positive Covid-19 diagnosis can be unsettling, but there are steps you can take to manage your symptoms effectively. The moment you recognize symptoms associated with Covid-19, such as fever, cough, or loss of taste and smell, it's essential to self-isolate. Be proactive and call your healthcare provider for guidance on testing and treatment. Your first defense is to ensure ample rest, hydration, and nutrition. Keep a close eye on your symptoms and make a note of their progression. If you have mild symptoms, you can likely manage them at home. However, if you experience any difficulty breathing or persistent chest pain, seek medical attention immediately. Managing Symptoms With Over-the-Counter Medications Over-the-counter (OTC) medications can provide relief from symptoms such as fever, body aches, and nasal congestion. Always consult with your doctor or pharmacist before using OTC medications, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications. For fever, acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be effective at lowering body temperature. Decongestants or antihistamines may help alleviate nasal congestion. Cough suppressants can be used to manage a dry cough. Remember to follow dosing instructions carefully and avoid combinations of medications that have similar compounds to prevent overdosing. Essential Self-Care Strategies Practicing self-care is crucial for recovery and preventing the spread of the virus. Here are some self-care strategies to consider: Rest Prioritize rest and sleep. Your body needs energy to fight the infection and repair itself. Take naps during the day if you're feeling fatigued. Hydration Drink plenty of fluids. Water, herbal teas, and electrolyte solutions can help keep you hydrated and relieve a sore throat. Nutrition Maintain a balanced diet to support your immune system. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, like fruits and vegetables, can provide the nutrition your body needs to recover. Breathing exercises Simple breathing exercises can help keep your lungs clear. Deep breathing and gentle coughing can prevent respiratory complications. Monitoring Your Symptoms Keeping track of your symptoms is vital for understanding your health status. Use a thermometer to monitor your temperature regularly. Check your oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter if possible, and keep a log of your readings. It's also important to be aware of any symptoms that may indicate a deterioration in your condition, such as: Difficulty breathing Chest pain Persistent fever Confusion or inability to stay awake Bluish lips or face If you experience any of these severe symptoms, call for emergency medical assistance. When to Seek Professional Medical Care Knowing when to seek professional medical care can be a matter of life and death. If you experience severe symptoms or your condition worsens, do not hesitate to seek help. Call your local emergency services or go to the emergency room. Medical professionals can provide the necessary support and treatment to help you through a severe Covid-19 infection. Do not drive yourself to the hospital if you are experiencing severe symptoms. Instead, call an ambulance so that you can receive medical attention on your way to the facility. The Importance of Isolation and Quarantine To prevent the spread of Covid-19, it's crucial to isolate yourself when you are sick. Stay in a separate room from others and use a separate bathroom if possible. If you must be around people, wear a mask, and keep a distance of at least 6 feet. Isolation should continue until: You have had no symptoms for at least 24 hours without using medication to reduce fever At least 10 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared You receive two negative tests in a row, 24 hours apart (if testing is recommended by your healthcare provider) Quarantine is important if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19. It helps prevent the spread of the virus, even if you do not have symptoms. Support for Mental Health Coping with Covid-19 can take a toll on your mental health. It's normal to feel anxious, stressed, or isolated during this time. Stay connected with friends and family through virtual means and reach out for support. Many mental health professionals offer telehealth services, allowing you to receive support while you're isolating at home. Take breaks from watching the news and social media. Engage in activities that you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, or practicing relaxation techniques. The Role of Telemedicine Telemedicine has emerged as a powerful tool for managing Covid-19. It allows you to consult with healthcare providers without leaving your home, reducing the risk of transmission. Your doctor can assess your symptoms over a video call and recommend the appropriate course of action. Be sure to have a list of your symptoms, any medications you are taking, and your vital signs handy for your telemedicine appointment. This information can help your provider make informed decisions about your care. Stay Informed and Be Prepared The situation with Covid-19 is ever-evolving, so it's important to stay informed with the latest information from reliable sources like the CDC and WHO. Being prepared means having essential supplies, such as face masks, hand sanitizer, and cleaning products on hand. Understand and follow your local health department's guidelines for managing Covid-19 at home. These guidelines may include when to get tested, how to care for yourself, and when to end isolation. Conclusion Learning how to treat Covid-19 at home is an important skill for all of us to have. By understanding the steps you can take to manage your symptoms, the importance of monitoring your health, and when to seek professional care, you can protect yourself and your community. Remember, the most effective approach is a proactive one. Take precautions to avoid exposure to the virus, and if you become ill, act quickly to manage your symptoms and seek appropriate care. Together, we can overcome the challenges of Covid-19 and emerge stronger on the other side. READ MORE

  • What allergy medications do not have side effects?

    Finding Allergy Medications with Minimal Side Effects Allergy season can be a difficult time for millions of people around the world, as the sudden bloom of pollen and spores can bring on a host of miserable symptoms. Sneezing, itchy eyes, and scratchy throat are just the tip of the iceberg; some people even experience full-blown allergic reactions with swelling, rashes, and breathing difficulties. To combat these issues, numerous over-the-counter and prescription medications exist, all with various degrees of side effects. But what if you could take relief from allergies without the unpleasant side effects? Understanding Allergy Medications and Side Effects All medications can potentially cause side effects. But when it comes to allergy medications, the list of potential side effects can seem almost as awful as the symptoms they're designed to combat. The most common over-the-counter allergy medications—antihistamines—can lead to drowsiness, a dry mouth, and dizziness, while other prescription medications might have more serious risks. It's essential to understand these risks and side effects, but it's also vital to know that there are allergy medications that are kinder to your system. These can include newer antihistamines that are formulated to reduce drowsiness, as well as nasal sprays and eye drops that deliver the medication directly to the source without as much systemic impact. Finding the Right Allergy Medication for You Finding the allergy medication that's right for you is a personal process that should be guided by your doctor. It involves considering the severity of your symptoms, any other health conditions you may have, and your lifestyle. Here are a few options that might provide relief with minimal side effects: Newer-generation antihistamines Over the past couple of decades, newer antihistamines like cetirizine, desloratadine, and fexofenadine have been developed with a focus on reducing drowsiness. These second- and third-generation antihistamines work to block the histamines that cause allergy symptoms, but have been engineered to be less sedating. Steroid nasal sprays For people who suffer primarily from nasal congestion and a runny nose, steroid nasal sprays can be a more direct and less systemic option. These sprays, like fluticasone and budesonide, help reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, often without the drowsiness that can accompany antihistamine pills. Eye drops Allergy eye drops can come in a few different formulations, but newer options like olopatadine have shown to be effective without major side effects. These drops can be an essential part of combating eye-related allergy symptoms—all in a way that doesn't affect the rest of your body. Lifestyle Changes for Allergy Control In addition to medication, certain lifestyle changes can help manage allergy symptoms. Here are a few things you can do to complement your treatment plan: Environmental control Keeping your environment as free from allergens as possible can make a significant difference. This might include using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your home, keeping windows closed during peak pollen seasons, and regularly washing bedding. Diet While there isn't one specific diet that will cure allergies, certain food choices may help reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and flaxseeds, could be beneficial. Herbal remedies Some people find relief from allergies through natural, herbal remedies. These can include butterbur, quercetin, and saline nasal irrigation. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any new therapy or supplement. Balancing the Risk and Reward of Allergy Medications Ultimately, the decision to take a medication for your allergies is a balance between the relief it can provide and the potential side effects. It's a decision that's unique to each person and often evolves over time. Your doctor can help guide you through the options, ensuring that you're getting the most significant reduction in symptoms with the least possible impact on your body. It's important to communicate honestly with your healthcare provider about how any medication is affecting you so that adjustments can be made as needed. Remember, it's normal to have questions and concerns about any medication. The more informed you are, the better equipped you'll be to make decisions that are right for you and your health. READ MORE

  • Can smoking cause a heart attack?

    Unveiling the Silent Killer: Can Smoking Cause a Heart Attack? Few lifestyle choices carry as much impact on our health as smoking. With research consistently pointing to the myriad health risks associated with tobacco use, one of the most feared among them is the heart attack. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricate relationship between smoking and heart health, shedding light on the mechanisms, statistics, and life-saving insights every individual should be aware of. The Smoking Gun: The Link Between Smoking and Heart Disease When it comes to the dangers of smoking, the risk of heart disease is a leading concern. Overwhelming evidence from various health studies has established that tobacco smoke—be it primary or secondhand—poses a significant threat to cardiovascular health. But what exactly is the reason behind this deadly association? The Toxins Within Cigarette smoke contains a lethal cocktail of over 7,000 chemicals, with at least 250 of them known to be harmful, and more than 70 known to cause cancer. The toxic mix includes substances like arsenic, benzene, and formaldehyde, which, when inhaled, can damage the delicate linings of arteries, trigger inflammation, and contribute to the formation of atherosclerosis—narrowing and hardening of the arteries—a primary factor in heart disease. Nicotine's Role Nicotine, the highly addictive component in tobacco, is often the focus of smoking cessation efforts. What many aren't aware of is its direct impact on the heart. Acting as a stimulant, nicotine can raise blood pressure, increase heart rate, and challenge the circulatory system with frequent bursts of high-stress states. Secondhand Smoke The dangers are not limited to the person lighting up. Secondhand smoke has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease by 25–30%. Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work can experience the same detrimental effects on their heart health as a smoker. The Numbers Don't Lie: Global Statistics on Smoking and Heart Attacks How pervasive is the risk of heart attacks among smokers? Let's consider the data: A Global Epidemic Smoking-related illnesses claim over 8 million lives worldwide each year, with heart disease being the leading cause of death among active and passive smokers. In more alarming terms, smokers are twice as likely to have a heart attack compared to non-smokers. Economic and Social Impact The impact is not only on health but also on the wider economy. The healthcare costs and lost productivity associated with treating heart disease could reach trillions globally. Additionally, smoking disproportionately affects lower-income groups, presenting a significant social justice challenge. The Mechanism of Mayhem: How Smoking Triggers a Heart Attack Understanding the physiological process behind a heart attack helps to appreciate the significance of smoking as a risk factor. The interplay between various cardiovascular components is finely balanced, and smoking disrupts this equilibrium in several ways. A Closer Look at Atherosclerosis As earlier mentioned, atherosclerosis is a key player. The toxic substances in cigarette smoke damage the arterial walls, inviting cholesterol and other fatty materials to form plaques, which can burst, causing blood clots that obstruct blood flow to the heart—this is the heart attack mechanism in motion. Inflammatory Responses Cigarette smoke also triggers an inflammatory cascade within the cardiovascular system. This chronic state of low-grade inflammation is thought to further promote the development of atherosclerosis and destabilize existing plaques, increasing the likelihood of a cardiovascular event. Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Nicotine's effect on blood pressure and heart rate is more than just a passing adrenaline rush. The chronic strain on the heart and vessels weakens their function over time, setting the stage for catastrophic events like a heart attack. A Lifesaving Choice: The Benefits of Quitting Smoking Despite the grim outlook, the human body is remarkably resilient. For those who smoke, quitting is arguably the single most effective action they can take to protect their heart. The Immediate Impact Within minutes of quitting, blood pressure and heart rate decline. In just a matter of days, the carbon monoxide levels in the blood return to normal, increasing the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity. Long-Term Recovery The body begins to repair the damage caused by smoking almost immediately. With each smoke-free year, the risk of heart disease drops, eventually matching that of a non-smoker after 15 years. Navigating the Path to Quitting Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is possible. A multifaceted approach, combining behavioral support, nicotine replacement therapies, and medication, has proven to be the most effective strategy. Support from healthcare providers, family, and peers can make a significant difference. Public Policy and Smoking Cessation: What's at Stake? The battle against smoking is a multifront war. Public policies, such as tobacco taxes, smoke-free environments, and effective marketing and packaging regulations, have been instrumental in reducing smoking rates, especially among the youth. Yet, there is more work to be done. The Future of Heart Health in a Smoke-Free World As we look to the future, the vision of a smoke-free world is more than just a pipe dream—it's a public health imperative. The combined efforts of lawmakers, public health officials, healthcare providers, and the community at large can create an environment where the smoker demographics continually dwindle, and with them, the incidence of heart attacks. Embracing a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Understanding the risks is the first step, but it's action that truly shapes our health. In addition to quitting smoking, embracing a heart-healthy lifestyle—comprising regular physical activity, a balanced diet, stress management, and regular health check-ups—further fortifies the heart's defenses against the silent killer that is smoking. In conclusion, the question "can smoking cause a heart attack?" is unequivocally answered by decades of research and millions of tragic personal stories. Smoking is a leading, preventable cause of heart disease and heart attacks. The informed and proactive choices we make today can safeguard our tomorrows, not just for us but for our loved ones and communities. Whether you are a smoker contemplating a change or a non-smoker seeking to advocate for a healthier society, the impact of your decisions reverberates far beyond the present moment. The time to act is now—because when it comes to our hearts, there's no room for chance. READ MORE

  • Does sunscreen help with sun allergy?

    Demystifying Sun Allergy: Does Sunscreen Provide the Ultimate Shield? As the days grow longer and the sun's rays become stronger, questions about sun protection invariably start to surface. For some, the need for sunscreen goes beyond preventing a tan or minimizing the risk of skin cancer. Individuals with sun allergy, also known as photosensitivity, require additional care to combat their adverse reactions to sunlight. This comprehensive guide aims to unpack the complexities of sun allergy, its relationship with sunscreen, and practical solutions to enjoy the outdoors with peace of mind. Understanding Sun Allergy Sun allergy is a broad term encapsulating a range of conditions where direct exposure to sunlight induces an abnormal immune response or triggers a skin reaction. This umbrella term includes specific maladies such as polymorphous light eruption (PMLE), solar urticaria, and phototoxic and photoallergic reactions. Symptoms vary from mildly uncomfortable to serious and can manifest as rashes, blisters, or hives. Types of Sun Allergy Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE): This common form of sun allergy typically results in an itchy or burning rash that appears within hours of sun exposure on skin that has been covered for months or years. Though the exact cause is unknown, it is believed to be linked to an immune system reaction to sunlight. Solar Urticaria: Individuals with this type of sun allergy experience hives, redness, and itching within minutes of sun exposure. The mechanism behind solar urticaria is an immune reaction that involves the rapid release of histamine in the presence of sunlight. Phototoxic and Photoallergic Reactions: These types of sun allergy are caused by medications or products that can cause sensitivity to sunlight. Phototoxic reactions, like sunburns or rashes, occur when a substance absorbs light and causes damage to tissues. Photoallergic reactions are delayed immune responses caused by sensitizing substances activated by sun exposure. The Role of Sunscreens When contemplating the interplay between sunscreen and sun allergy, the immediate question is whether a layer of SPF can effectively ward off the discomfort and symptoms associated with photosensitivity. The simple answer is yes, sunscreen can help—but it's not always the end-all solution. Choosing the Right Sunscreen To ensure maximum protection, individuals with sun allergies should opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF rating. Sunscreens labeled broad-spectrum effectively protect against both UVA and UVB rays, which is essential as both types of ultraviolet rays can induce photoallergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Water-resistant formulations can also provide more reliable coverage during outdoor activities. Key Ingredients to Look for In addition to broad-spectrum protection, the ingredients matter. The following components are recommended for those prone to sun allergies: Zinc Oxide: A physical (rather than chemical) blocker that provides broad-spectrum coverage and is less likely to cause skin irritation. Titanium Dioxide: Another physical blocker, often used alongside zinc oxide for maximum coverage. Avobenzone: A specific sunscreen agent that protects against UVA rays and is less likely to cause allergic reactions. Barrier Sunscreens: These are sunscreens that physically block the sun’s rays without penetrating the skin, such as those used specifically for babies or those with physical barrier-type ingredients. Strategies for Effective Sun Protection Enhancing sun protection goes beyond slathering on sunscreen. Here are practical strategies to guard against the sun's potential harm for individuals with sun allergies. Seek Shade and Limit Time in the Sun Shade is your ally. Utilize umbrellas, hats, and clothing to create a barrier between your skin and direct sunlight. Additionally, aim to spend time outdoors during non-peak UV hours, which are typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Wear Protective Clothing Consider UV protective clothing, which is specially designed to block UV rays and can be particularly beneficial for those with severe sun allergies. Look for clothing with a certified Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) rating. Apply Sunscreen Generously Don't skimp on sunscreen. For full protection, apply a generous amount to all exposed skin areas at least 15 minutes before going outside. Reapply every two hours, or more frequently if you're swimming or sweating. Understand Medication Side Effects Certain medications can increase the risk of sun allergy or photoallergic reactions. Always read the side effects of any new medications and discuss with your healthcare provider if you're concerned about the potential impact of sun exposure. Prioritize Skin Hydration and Healing For those who have experienced a sun allergy reaction, focus on skin healing and hydration with gentle moisturizers and remedies recommended by a healthcare provider. Balancing Sun Exposure with Vitamin D As we navigate the intricacies of sun allergy and sun protection, it's important to recognize the conundrum of vitamin D. Sunscreen, while crucial for those with sun sensitivity, can potentially impede the body from producing sufficient vitamin D from sunlight. For individuals with sun allergies, this balance is delicate. Vitamin D Supplementation Consider vitamin D supplementation as a safe alternative to sun exposure, especially when stringent sun protection measures are necessary. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on dosage. Controlled Sun Exposure In cases where avoiding sunlight isn't feasible, controlled and limited sun exposure can help the body synthesize its vitamin D requirement. This approach requires meticulous planning and timing to minimize the risk of a sun allergy flare-up. READ MORE

  • Can hearing damage be reversed?

    Can Hearing Damage Be Reversed? Understanding the Quest for Auditory Recovery Hearing is a sense that shapes our world, connecting us to conversations, music, and the hum of life around us. But what happens when this vital sense begins to falter, when the world becomes muffled, and the silence deepens? The notion of reversing hearing damage is an intriguing and hopeful one, an idea that speaks to the resilience of the human body and the quest to restore lost experiences. Join us as we delve into the complexities of hearing loss and explore the latest understanding of how reversible it might truly be. The Stages of Hearing Loss Before we can discuss reversal, let's confront the stages. Hearing loss isn't a binary condition; it's a spectrum that begins with difficulty in hearing certain sounds and can extend to profound deafness. Here are the typical stages: Mild Hearing Loss: Trouble hearing soft sounds, especially in noisy environments. Moderate Hearing Loss: Conversations become increasingly difficult to understand, particularly over the phone or in crowded places. Severe Hearing Loss: Speech becomes largely unintelligible without amplification. Profound Hearing Loss: Even shouts may not be heard, and communication relies heavily on sign language or other non-auditory cues. Understanding where one lies on this spectrum is crucial, as the course of action for mild hearing loss will differ significantly from that of profound hearing loss. The Culprits of Hearing Damage Hearing loss can stem from a variety of sources, each with its own implications for potential reversal: Aging (Presbycusis): A natural decline in hearing acuity. While age-related hearing loss is generally irreversible, technological advancements have improved the efficacy of hearing aids and cochlear implants. Noise Exposure: Prolonged or sudden loud noise can damage the delicate hair cells within the ear, leading to permanent hearing loss. Early detection and lifestyle changes can mitigate further damage. Ototoxic Medications: Certain drugs can harm the auditory system, and in some cases, ceasing the medication can halt the damage, but often reversibility is unlikely. Disease and Infections: Conditions like Meniere's disease or chronic ear infections can lead to fluctuating or permanent hearing loss. Treatment and potential reversibility depend on the underlying cause. Identifying the primary cause is the first step in evaluating the prospects for reversal. Medical and Technological Interventions With advancements in both medicine and technology, options for treating hearing loss have expanded. These interventions range from conventional to cutting-edge: Hearing Aids: These devices amplify incoming sounds and can significantly improve hearing for many individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss. Cochlear Implants: A more invasive yet transformative intervention for severe to profound hearing loss, cochlear implants bypass damaged portions of the ear and directly stimulate the auditory nerve. Middle Ear Implants: These are less common but can offer an alternative to hearing aids or cochlear implants for certain cases of sensorineural hearing loss. Regenerative Medicine: This is the frontier in hearing loss treatment, where the aim is to restore lost hair cells and auditory nerve fibers. Research in this field is promising but still in its infancy. Each of these interventions has its place and can significantly enhance the quality of life for those with hearing loss, but the question of actual reversal remains largely unanswered for many cases. Lifestyle and Home Remedies In addition to medical and technological interventions, certain lifestyle adjustments and home remedies can contribute to preserving and potentially improving hearing: Protect Your Ears: Avoid prolonged exposure to loud noises and use ear protection when necessary. Healthy Diet and Exercise: What's good for your heart is also good for your ears. A balanced diet and regular exercise can improve blood circulation, benefiting the ears as well. Ear Health Hygiene: Avoid using cotton swabs to clean your ears and address infections promptly to reduce the risk of complications that could lead to hearing loss. Mindful Listening: Turn the volume down, and practice healthy listening habits to reduce the risk of noise-induced hearing damage. While these measures won't perform miracles, they can have a significant impact on overall auditory health. The Role of Auditory Rehabilitation Recovering from hearing damage isn’t always about physical restoration. Auditory rehabilitation plays a vital role in helping individuals adapt to and make the most of their remaining hearing capabilities. This can include: Speechreading and Sign Language: Learning visual communication cues can be essential for individuals with profound hearing loss. Training with Hearing Devices: Even the most advanced hearing aids or implants require an adjustment period and often come with rehabilitation programs to help users acclimate to the new sensory input. By focusing on how to listen and communicate effectively within the boundaries of their current hearing, people can maximize their auditory experience and lead fulfilling lives. What Does the Research Say About Reversal? The field of hearing loss research is active, with significant funding and interest from both scientific and public health perspectives. Studies on mice and other animals have shown that regenerating lost hair cells is within the realm of possibility. However, translating these findings to humans is complex and poses substantial challenges. Some recent studies with humans have seen partial reversal of hearing loss, offering a glimmer of hope, but we are far from a universal and reliable method for reversing hearing damage in adults. READ MORE

  • What treatments help with ankle mobility?

    Exercises to Improve Ankle Mobility Range of Motion Exercises Ankle Circles: Sit with your legs extended and gently rotate your injured ankle in clockwise and then counterclockwise directions. Alphabet Writing: With your leg lifted, 'write' the alphabet in the air using your big toe as a 'pen.' This exercise engages multiple angles of movement. Strengthening Exercises Heel Raises: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your heels off the ground, focusing on the contraction of your calf muscles. Toe Taps: While seated with your feet flat on the ground, lift the heel of your injured ankle while tapping the toes and then lift the toes while tapping the heel. Balance and Stability Exercises Single-Leg Stance: Stand on one leg, using a stable surface for support. As balance improves, practice without support. Resistance Band Work: Anchor a resistance band and loop it around your foot. Pull your foot toward you against the band's tension, then push away, to the sides, and finally in a circular motion. Tips for Effective Rehabilitation Consistency and Regularity: Adherence to a daily exercise routine is key to improving ankle mobility. Proper Technique and Form: Focus on performing each movement with control to maximize benefits and prevent further injury. Case Studies Real-life success stories can be incredibly motivating for those in the midst of their recovery. Consider the case of John, who after a soccer injury, incorporated targeted ankle mobility exercises into his therapy and was able to return to his sport with enhanced stability and strength in a matter of weeks. Conclusion Ankle mobility is an invaluable aspect of your rehabilitation and overall well-being. Meticulously integrating these exercises into your therapy routine can help rebuild strength, enhance flexibility, and ensure a more confident return to your daily activities. Remember, each small step is a leap forward in your recovery. Stay motivated, stay consistent, and trust in your body's capacity to heal and adapt. Whether you're just starting on your recovery journey or looking to overcome the final hurdles of restricted movement, let the promise of regained mobility and freedom inspire your efforts each day. READ MORE

Areas of expertise and specialization

Internal MedicineAestheticsPrescriptive Weight LossAnti-Aging Medicineexecutive physicals and anti-aging medicine, placing emphasis on hormone and vitamin deficiency testing

Faculty Titles & Positions

  • Internal Medicine Texas Health Resources 2020 - Present


  • Internal Medicine Board Certified 2015 American Board of Internal Medicine 
  • Magna acumen Laude 1996 Rosemont College 
  • Best in Texas Magazine - Doctors 2023  
  • American Academy of Anti_Aging Medicine 2023 A4M 

Professional Memberships

  • American Board of Internal Medicine  
  • American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine  

Charities and Philanthropic Endeavors

  • Hockaday School solicitations Chair 2018
  • Lamplighter School Benefit Co-chair 2016
  • North Texas Food Bank 2022


  • HypertensionObesityWeight LossDiabetesStrokeOrthopedic ConditionsMovement DisordersMental Health IssuesPain ManagementAll major medical conditions


  • Internal Medicine


  • Internal Medicine

Professional Society Memberships

  • American Board of Internal MedicineAmerican Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

Professional Affiliations

  • American Board of Internal MedicineAmerican Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

What do you attribute your success to?

  • The love and support of my husband, parents and children and my faith in God.

Areas of research

  • ALS


  • American Board of Internal MedicineBest in Tx Magazine- Doctors 2023American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine 2023

Philanthropic Initiatives

  • Global Brigades- Honduras 2023North Texas Food Bank-2022UNICEF-2014Cattle Barrons-2014Lamplighter Benefit-2014Hockaday School Benefit Co-chair-2017

Teaching and speaking

  • Medical student educator and leading physician for Medical missionary trip in Honduras with Global Brigades 2023

Favorite Place to Vacation

  • St. Barths

Hobbies / Sports

  • Yoga, Pilates, walking, reading, traveling, cooking, walking my dogs and spending time with loved ones.

Favorite professional publications

  • Wall Street JournalJournal of American Medical Association

Dr. Naheed Shahid, MD's Practice location

DFW Concierge MD

3450 Forest Lane 200 -
Dallas, TX 75234
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Dr. Naheed Shahid, MD has a rating of 4 out of 5 stars based on the reviews from 7 patients. FindaTopDoc has aggregated the experiences from real patients to help give you more insights and information on how to choose the best Concierge Primary Care Doctor in your area. These reviews do not reflect a providers level of clinical care, but are a compilation of quality indicators such as bedside manner, wait time, staff friendliness, ease of appointment, and knowledge of conditions and treatments.

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Get to know Internist Dr. Naheed Shahid, who serves patients in Dallas and Arlington, Texas.

Renowned for her expertise in internal medicine, Dr. Shahid has dedicated the last two decades to the practice of medical art. Her extensive experience, both within and beyond the hospital setting, equips her with the ability to tackle complex and rare medical problems with empathy. 

Departing from conventional medical approaches, Dr. Shahid established DFW Concierge MD, a medical practice that prioritizes personalized care for patients. With two locations in Dallas and Arlington, the primary aim is to offer patients increased face-time during appointments, facilitating the creation of tailored treatment plans. Dr. Shahid specializes in executive physicals and anti-aging medicine, placing emphasis on hormone and vitamin deficiency testing.

Growing up in the Northeast, she graduated with Honors her Bachelor of Science Degree in Liberal Arts from Rosemont College in 1996. She then went on to earn her Medical Degree from Drexel University College of Medicine in 2001, after which she performed her residency in internal medicine at the said establishment. 

Specializing in the medical treatment of adults, Dr. Shahid is board certified in internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). The ABIM is a physician-led, non-profit, independent evaluation organization driven by doctors who want to achieve higher standards for better care in a rapidly changing world.

Professionally, Dr. Shahid actively participates in the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Internal medicine is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases. Physicians specializing in internal medicine are called internists. They manage and prevent common and complex diseases by providing comprehensive care and promoting overall well-being.

Recognizing the crucial role of her family and faith in her achievements, Dr. Shahid was honored as Best in Texas Magazine – Doctors 2023. 

Happily married, she and her husband, Dr. Sethuraman, a spine surgeon serving the DFW metroplex, have been blessed with two children. 

Beyond her medical responsibilities, Dr. Shahid finds joy in activities such as yoga, spin classes, pilates, and weight training. She is an advocate for giving back to the community and has been involved with organizations like UNICEF, North Texas Food Bank, Cattle Barons, her daughters’ schools (Lamplighter, Hockaday), and many other organizations.

An adventurous spirit, Dr. Shahid enjoys traveling, trying new recipes, and exploring restaurants. Her preferred vacation spot is St. Barths, and she stays informed through publications like the Wall Street Journal and the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Fluent in English, Hindi, and Urdu, Dr. Shahid is a multilingual professional who brings a diverse perspective to her medical practice.

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