Looking for Hospitalists in New Jersey? FindaTopDoc has put together a list of the top providers in your area.
We have selected the top Hospitalists in New Jersey. FindaTopDoc is committed to helping you make medical decision with confidence, by providing you with trusted information that can help you make meaningful connections with local providers.
Dr. Patricia Cowan-Kloser is an infectious disease specialist practicing in Newark, NJ. Dr. Cowan-Kloser specializes in infections that are difficult to diagnose or unresponsive to treatments, such as HIV or airborne infections from a foreign country. Infectious disease specialists usually work with conditions that are not treatable by a primary physician but it is important to keep contact with the primary physician in order to receive information about the patients history and for deciding which diagnostic tests are appropriate.
Visit Dr. Patricia C. Cowan-Kloser, MD, MPH, FACP website Address: 90 Bergen St Doc 4500 Newark NJ, 07103