Dr. Robert A. Lund, ND, DNM
Naturopathic Physician
20 E Airport Rd #111 Lebanon Oregon, 97355About
Dr. Bob Lund (Docbob!) is a naturopathic physician practicing in Lebanon, Oregon. Dr. Lund specializes in proactive prevention and treatment of chronic and degenerative disease. Dr. Lund combines holistic healing methods with traditional solutions to medical illness. Providing both individual and family care, the most common ailments treated are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, obesity, heart disease, fertility, menopause, cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. Naturopathic Physicians place a strong emphasis on natural remedies that add to the broad spectrum of remedies available.
Board Certification
Certified Tribal Healer (First Nation Medical Board)
Certified Nutritional Therapist
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Dr. Robert A. Lund, ND, DNM's Expert Contributions
Can I give fruit juices to a child with high fever?
Oh goodness NO! In fact, there "may" be a few morsels of vitamins and minerals in unfiltered, unrefined fruit juices, BUT I am persuaded that the sugar content will put an immediate hit on the immune system far outweighs any small benefit possibly gained from those nutrients. There is an old saying, "If you feed a cold, you will have to starve a fever." In fact, fever is an extraordinary healing blessing, built-in by God from the factory! (LOL) A fever should NEVER be interfered with unless your primary care doctor decides it should be. If we don't fast when we have initial cold symptoms and then eat, it will interrupt the body's healing process. You will then force the body to deploy fever in order to expedite healing. If you feed anyone while they have a fever, you are absolutely causing the body to work against healing. Dr. Henry Bieler, author of "Food is Your Best Medicine," says this about feeding a sick child, "I beg you do not feed a sick child!" Generally speaking, and with few exceptions, we are not hungry when we have a cold or fever. If a child is truly hungry during sickness and is really not just longing for a fun and tasty food or treat, then perhaps consider giving them some organic chicken vegetable soup. Never any sugar! Fruit juices are not healthy! Even for non-sick people! And most of our modern fruit, due to the high sugar content, is not healthy...and will actually work against the healing process. READ MORE
How can fibromyalgia be treated naturally?
The very short answer is YES! Fibromyalgia (FM) can be treated naturally! BUT, one must understand a number of underlying dynamics have been at work for usually quite some time... FM typically does not just appear overnight, except in some rare and extreme cases. FM has, at its root, as most chronic and degenerative diseases, inflammation. This means that there are things in your lifestyle, environment and diet that all come into play and create the "perfect" storm. Gut problems, suspect/toxic foods, heavy metal toxicity, mineral deficiencies, use of NSAIDS (like ibuprofen), use of acetaminophen (Tylenol), thyroid problems, sleep disorders, and even EMFs ALL can have a part in this perfect storm. EMFs, for example, have increased dramatically in the last 25 years. Please read a bit about the possible connection, in your case, of EMFs and FM: https://emfblues.com/blog/fibromyalgia-the-missing-emf-link/ What is crazy-making for many people is that they have pain, reach for a painkiller and end up feeding the cycle of more pain and need for more relief. Ibuprofen wrecks your gut, which can contribute to immune dysfunction. Tylenol depletes glutathione, which is the body's master detox, etc. Here is a concise list of what you should consider doing ASAP: 1) Get Dr. Gundry's book The Plant Paradox; do his chapter 10 diet for 90 days. 2) STOP all poly oils (soy, corn, safflower, etc.); the only fats that are legal are coconut and high quality olive, and possibly butter. 3) STOP all sugars and grains and refined carbs and nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, etc.) 4) Turn off cell phone AND circuit breakers to your bedroom at night. 5) Strongly consider taping your mouth closed at night... not kidding... this one hack has literally revolutionized most of my patients sleep, including my own! Remember, your body does not heal unless it gets plenty of deep sleep. One clue that you are getting into enough deep sleep is that you WILL NOT get up to use the bathroom during the night!!! Remember when you were 14 years old, you rarely had to get up to do this. Fix your sleep! 6) Be sure you have enough magnesium, potassium, and other trace minerals. Do all that for 90 days and I think you will be amazed! But, warning, no cheating! READ MORE
Is stevia recommended for diabetics?
This is a great question! Generally speaking, "sweet" has been designed to signal our body that something is good for us (i.e., fruit is generally great for us). However, if someone has sugar issues such as with a diabetic condition, "sweet" can be a terrible enemy. READ MORE
Everytime I follow a naturopathy diet plan I end up with a headache. Is it normal?
Goodness! Great question! First of all... a headache, even a very slight one is your body trying to get your attention! In this sense "pain" is an ally... a communication mechanism to signal that something is off. It can be a "healing" response, especially if you are ceasing caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc. (see below). But, a bit of important info before we get to that... So, it first really depends on what you mean by a "naturopathic" diet. There are literally hundreds of "diets" that people have come up with, naturopathic, or otherwise. What many of us have found in the alternative/natural/holistic ( "ANH" i.e. Naturopathic) world is that most people who are suffering from aches, pains, fatigue, a lack of thriving, etc., are often experiencing the result of years of a lifestyle, environment, and/or diet (LED!!!) that is not compatible with health. Unfortunately, there has (and still is...) been so much misinformation and even mythology surrounding what creates health and therefore combats disease. Over the last four decades or so there have been fads that have demonized cholesterol, fat, salt, butter, meat, etc. The truth is that we all have a degree of bio-individuality. This means that a diet that works for me might not work for you. A great place to start is to begin an aggressive elimination diet. Many of us in the ANH world have found the following 9 items to be common culprits in contributing to dis-ease and therefore disease: corn, peanuts, nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant), dairy, soy, sugar, gluten (barley, rye, oats, wheat), artificial sweeteners, eggs, and lectins (see book by Dr. Gundry: The Plant Paradox - IMHO this is a "MUST" have in health library!!!). If you have more than just a headache, greatly consider following Dr. Gundry's "Chapter 10 Keto" plan... Very comprehensive... I have seen near miracles with folks that follow this plan... This does not mean you have to forever, necessarily stop eating all the above. Simply eliminate them and slowly re-introduce them one at a time. Some have called a carnivore diet (only meat!) the ultimate elimination diet! So, it really depends on whose "naturopathic" diet you have been following. For a great long term plan to rebuild and maintain health check out www.rcp123.org... Morley Robbins is one of the greatest unsung heroes in the world of health! Also, you need to consider your sleep... if you are not getting an average of 7 hours of great sleep... your body will not be able to heal, correct underlying issues that manifest, like headache pain. Dr. Stasha Gominak, one of my mentors, has contributed greatly to the science of sleep. Watch a couple of her Youtube videos! And, my two personal favorite health hacks to help combat all the enemies of pain and bad sleep: mouth taping during sleep and earth grounding (http://earthinginstitute.com/ ). Personally, these 2 things, taping my mouth securely shut (I know... crazy weird sounding, but mind-blowing in effect and the underlying physiological mechanisms!!!), and sleeping on an electrically grounded sheet in our bed... These two "hacks," along with identifying offending foods, have been game changing for me and many of my patients! Last, but not least, sometimes, if you are sure that the headaches are not due to any of the above... Sometimes, when our body is experiencing a shift in healing, it can cause what is known as a healing "crisis." This can almost be like symptoms of drug withdrawls! If your "naturopathic" diet is really and actually healthy for you... as your body is transitioning to this new-and-improved diet, you can experience what is called a Herxheimer Reaction (your homework assignment! LOL Look it up!). And one last thing... the 44 pounds of famine insurance you are carrying (LOL)! Often, your body packs on weight more as a response to dealing with an onslaught of negative LED things... Consider reading an awesome book by a wonderful health pioneer named JJ Virgin... her first book outlines many cases of overweight that literally fell off people as they eliminated the list of suspect foods I listed above.... She says, Eliminate 7 things for 7 days and lose 7 pounds... a cute summary, but actually a very, very powerful principle... weight is not merely about calories but often about our body's response to negative LED elements. READ MORE
Can a naturopathic treatment help in treating my acne problem?
Generally, the answer is YES!!! Keep in mind that natural medicine, as a practice, seeks to get to the root cause of conditions like acne. As such, it is important to look at your whole physiology. As a naturopath, I have often taken the contents of a "popped zit" (lol) and put it under a microscope! For real!!! Guess what you see? Zillions of white blood cells, called Neutrophils, that are HUGE! Their job is to mop up bad stuff, such as invading bugs like bacteria, foreign proteins and even dead cells from your own body. Think of them as the janitors or undertakers of your tiny world, inside of you! An example of foreign proteins could even be some things that we might think of as "normal" food. If your intestinal lining is "leaky," that is damaged or even broken, then small fragments of food such as corn, soy, dairy, wheat, gluten, etc., can sneak through that protective barrier, especially if your digestion has been not so great. Then, your immune system recruits a special band of national guard-like white cells to attack and destroy these things. And sometimes if your liver, kidneys, and bowel are not working right, these waste products which include white blood cells who have gorged themselves on the above-mentioned things are actually excreted through your skin! At times, acne can be an infected hair follicle, but mostly it is a sign of eating stuff that you body is really having a hard time with. I have seen many folks have things like acne and other skin problems clear up as they eliminate all of what I refer to as the Nine Suspect Foods. They are corn, peanuts, gluten-containing foods (barley, rye, oats, wheat, etc.), nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant), dairy, soy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and lectins (for homework, look that word up, and especially search Dr. Gundry on Youtube, etc.). Eliminating these from your diet for a few weeks often start a miracle process for some people. Then you could add in a few of the above slowly to see if you hit the offender(s). It is also great for skin and health in general to strengthen your gut and immune system by getting healthy bacteria (probiotics) in you.... Homemade sauerkraut and a pro-biotic supplement can help restore gut health, especially if you have had a course of antibiotics. READ MORE
Can diet influence our sleep?
Well... there are a couple aspects to this! First, you never want to eat foods that are compatible with your body. One way to know which foods are naughty/nice is to do the pulse test (google: the pulse test by Dr. Coca). If you eat foods that increase your heart rate beyond a certain limit, this is actually a stressor on your body... and we know what stress does to our sleep! LOL Second, if you eat ANYTHING within 4 hours of going to bed, you impact your ability to sleep, especially when you get older. Third, you need adequate sunlight, especially in the morning in order to sync your body's cycle to that of the day/night. Hope that helps! READ MORE
My mother has a constant headache despite the medications she is taking. What can I do to help her?
We heal in sleep... and especially deep sleep. One of the most amazing ways I have found to help patients sleep deeply is to mouth tape. Yep, you heard that right! I, personally, as a 62 y.o. male, would not dream of going to bed without taping my mouth shut! It has revolutionized my sleep! Not kidding. try 2" scotch/3m surgical tape. By stopping your mouth breathing, you will enter into deep sleep; many have had headaches go away once the body can get into deep sleep! READ MORE
My daughter is grinding her teeth. What could be the reason behind this?
Well! There can be lots of factors: -What is her "stress" level in the home? -How are you and spouse getting along? -Has she been traumatized or abused? My experience is that there is more often than not an underlying stress issue behind this kind of behavior. Then, do you know if she is a mouth breather when she sleeps? Does she wet the bed or have to get up and use restroom at all? If yes to either of the top 2, then she may not be getting into deep sleep. Is she able to go outside especially barefoot and get sunshine? More necessary than we ever thought! See https://earthinginstitute.net/ Of course, clean up her diet (no sugar, peanut butter, corn, white flour, and especially no vegetable oils...only coconut, olive, and butter) Blessings! Doc Bob READ MORE
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Robert Lund
20 E Airport Rd #111 -Lebanon, Oregon 97355Get Direction
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Get to know Naturopathic Physician Dr. Bob Lund, who serves patients throughout the U.S and the world.
Dr. Lund, (Docbob!), is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Traditional Naturopath, Certified Tribal Healer (First Nation Medical Board), Root Cause Protocol Consultant, Certified Nutritional Therapist, and Intelligent Design Healing Facilitator. He specializes in getting to the root of illness, focusing on how to be healthy, rather than managing disease symptoms. Dr. Lund not only serves patients internationally, but also makes old-fashioned house calls, along with seeing clients during in-clinic visits in Oregon.
Since every person is a unique creation, made with love by God, he helps people restore their bodies to the “blueprint” and context that they were created to thrive in. He is passionate about helping people experience all the energy and vitality they need in order to be all they can be and do all they can do to walk out their purpose for their lives… so that they can die “young” at a very old age!
Specializing in epigenetics, Dr. Lund helps identify lifestyle and environmental elements that distract the body from health and vitality and trigger genetic-tendency health problems. He utilizes numerous modalities, including blood lab analysis from a functional/holistic perspective, past trauma identification and analysis, herbal medicine, metabolic balancing, live blood microscopy, earth grounding, “sick” building remediation (mold/toxins/EMFs), nutritional and vitamin/mineral therapy, microbiome restoration therapy, and many other traditional naturopathic healing techniques.
Having been a blood and nutritional researcher for over 30 years, he has authored and published numerous medical journal papers.
The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific, and empirical methods. Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process.
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