12278 results in Archive


Spine Doctors vs. Chiropractors

How do you know when to see a spine doctor or a chiropractor for your back pain? Picking out who can effectively treat your back pain can become overwhelming. Know which healthcare professional you should see if you have pain in your back, neck, or spine.


What Exactly Is an Orgasm?

An orgasm is the peak of sexual excitement in both men and women. It is often stimulated by genital pleasure and followed by an ejaculation in men. Learn more here.



Oliguria means a decreased urine output, which is one of the earliest signs of impaired renal function. Read on to learn more.


Headache in the Back of the Head

A headache experienced in the back of the head can have many different causes. Most of these causes can be identified by specific symptoms, such as the exact location of pain and the type or severity of pain experienced.



Pancytopenia is the medical term for reduced levels of all blood cells, which include erythrocytes or red blood cells (RBCs), leukocytes or white blood cells (WBCs), and thrombocytes or platelets. Read on to learn more.


What Could Wheezing Mean?

Check out this video to learn more about wheezing.

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A Story that Sticks to Your Ribs

Injuries to the chest wall are pretty common, and vary in severity from minor bruising or an isolated rib fracture to severe and fatal crush injuries.


Study Observes Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Gout

A study found that sleep apnea patients are at a higher risk for gout than non-sleep apnea patients. Learn more.


Musician Joseph Shabason Reflects On His Family's Parkinson's in Album

In his new solo album, Anne, Canadian musician opens up about his mother's Parkinson's disease.


Congress Introduces Bill to Protect Health Care Workers from Violence

Congress has recently introduced a bill to protect healthcare workers from incidents of violence.


Town Rallies for Boy Who Suffers with Muscular Dystrophy

A small town in Yorktown, New York gathers together to help a 2-year-old with congenital muscular dystrophy.


Model Cambria Francesca's Lupus Won't Stop Her From Shining

Plus size model Cambria Francesca still manages to slay, despite having lupus.

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Don’t Ignore Flat Feet

Treatment and prevention of adult flatfoot can reduce the incidence of additional foot problems such as bunions, hammertoes, arthritis and calluses.

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Chiropractic and the Fight Against Cold and Flu Season

Chiropractic has been shown in hundreds of research articles to improve the function of the body’s immune system. Read on to learn more.

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Pediatric Acupuncture (Needle and Non-needle Techniques)

You are here reading this today because you have been thinking about how and if acupuncture can help your child. Well, you're in the right spot!

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Chinese Medicine: Living with Winter

In Chinese medicine, winter correlates with the water element, kidneys, black, salty and is also where things flow downwards. Read on to learn more.

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Are you taking too much medications?

Prescription medications, herbs, vitamins, minerals, etc. Have any of these questions ever crossed your mind?

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Dental Implant Basics

According to Dentist Garett Seeba, implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. Learn the basics.


Boys vs. Girls: Why Does Fibromyalgia Affect Women More Than Men?

Why are women more likely to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia? Here are a few theories.


Do Almonds Have Benefits for Diabetic Patients?

Studies suggest that almonds may play an essential role in controlling diabetes.