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Syphilis: How Does It Affect Men and Women?
Healthy Living

Syphilis: How Does It Affect Men and Women?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that affects both men and women. There is not much difference in men and women as far as symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments are concerned. Continue reading this article to know more!
How to Prepare for Occupational Therapy
Healthy Living

How to Prepare for Occupational Therapy

Do you need occupational therapy? Are you just about to start it? If yes, it is normal for you to wonder about the preparation time before the therapy starts. Continue reading and learn how to prepare for occupational therapy.
What Is Diarrhea: Get the Facts
Healthy Living

What Is Diarrhea: Get the Facts

Diarrhea is a very common disease that attacks the digestive system, causing the abnormally frequent passing of loose stool. The disease can be classified into two or three types depending on the cause, symptoms, and duration.
How Are Gallstones Diagnosed?
Healthy Living

How Are Gallstones Diagnosed?

Gallstones are stones that are formed either in your gallbladder or the bile duct. A number of tests can be done to determine if you have gallstones or not. Read this article to know how gallstones are diagnosed.
What to Expect While Undergoing Spinal Stenosis Surgery?
Healthy Living

What to Expect While Undergoing Spinal Stenosis Surgery?

Do you need a spinal stenosis surgery? Are you worried about how it would feel and what to expect while undergoing spinal stenosis surgery? Read on and find out everything you need to know before, during and after the spinal stenosis surgery.
What Specialists Can Conduct Cognitive Behavioral Therapies?
Healthy Living

What Specialists Can Conduct Cognitive Behavioral Therapies?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interconnects your situations, thoughts, emotions, physical feelings, and actions in a manner that each of them can have an effect on the other. There are several specialists who can perform cognitive behavioral therapies. They must, however, be trained in handling cognitive behavioral therapies. Read this article to know what CBT is, and to know which healthcare providers can carry out cognitive behavioral therapies.
How is Conjunctivitis Contracted?
Healthy Living

How is Conjunctivitis Contracted?

Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a very common and unpleasant condition. It is easily transmitted from one person to another, so make sure you know how to avoid contracting it.
Is Your Child at Risk of Osgood-Schlatter Disease?
Healthy Living

Is Your Child at Risk of Osgood-Schlatter Disease?

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a a medical condition of the knees commonly found in growing children. The cause is normally associated with wear and tear of the muscles and ligaments as a result of excessive activities. Learn more about the disease, causes, symptoms and treatments.
What to Expect After a Plastic Surgery
Healthy Living

What to Expect After a Plastic Surgery

Just like any other type of surgery, you should expect many things after a plastic surgery. Some of the things you are likely to experience are pain, infection, loss of blood, and changes on your skin among others. Read this article to know more.
Are There Long Term Complications For A Cholecystectomy?
Healthy Living

Are There Long Term Complications For A Cholecystectomy?

One uncommon serious complication of cholecystectomy is injury to the common bile duct, which connects the cystic and common hepatic ducts to the duodenum. An injured bile duct can leak bile and cause a painful and potentially dangerous infection. Majority of the cases of minor injury to the common bile duct can be managed non-surgically, however major injury is a very serious issue that may require corrective surgery, by an experienced biliary surgeon.
What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis?
Healthy Living

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis is a condition that leads to the hardening of the liver, which eventually impacts the normal functioning of the liver. The disease progresses in stage, and the longer it lasts, the higher the chances are of developing its resulting complications.
Ovarian Cancer: Is it Asymptomatic in the Early Stages?
Women's Health

Ovarian Cancer: Is it Asymptomatic in the Early Stages?

Ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest and rarest types of cancer. It is fairly difficult to diagnose, and its symptoms are quite similar to those of endometriosis.
The Different Stages of Liver Cancer
Healthy Living

The Different Stages of Liver Cancer

Staging of liver cancer is always done after diagnosis. Your doctors uses the information from your scans or tests results to stage your liver cancer accordingly. This staging is very important since it helps your doctor with your liver cancer prognosis and in determination of a treatment method.
Can Back Pain Get Diagnosed?
Healthy Living

Can Back Pain Get Diagnosed?

Back pain is one of the common ailments affecting people and many factors could cause this pain so it is difficult to get a proper diagnosis. In this article, we will look at techniques used to get an accurate diagnosis as well as some common issues patients encounter while trying to get a back pain diagnosis.
Stomach Ulcers: What are the Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment?
Healthy Living

Stomach Ulcers: What are the Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment?

Stomach ulcers are painful lesions that are found in the lining of your stomach or small intestine. Your stomach and small intestine are lined by a layer of mucus-producing cells. The mucus produced by these cells protect the lining of your stomach wall from the acidic environment. But in some people, due to various reasons, the protective mucus layer is reduced therefore it allows the digestive acids to eat the lining of your stomach leading to stomach ulcers. Continue to read this article to learn about stomach ulcers, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
Reasons Why You Need Spinal Stenosis Surgery
Healthy Living

Reasons Why You Need Spinal Stenosis Surgery

Do you have back problems? Have you heard about spinal stenosis surgery? Are you wondering if this surgery is an option for you? Read about the reasons why you need spinal stenosis surgery.
What to Expect After Anal Fissure Surgery
Healthy Living

What to Expect After Anal Fissure Surgery

After undergoing this kind of surgery, one can slowly resume their normal activities. You should begin walking normally the morning after your surgery and gradually increase how far you walk according to your fitness level.
What is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Surgery?
Healthy Living

What Is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Surgery?

Are you having problems with your lumbar part of the spine? Are you considering spinal stenosis surgery as an option? Learn everything you need to know about lumbar spinal stenosis surgery.
What Tests Determine Pancreatic Cancer?
Healthy Living

What Tests Determine Pancreatic Cancer?

Various tests and procedures can help your doctor diagnose pancreatic cancer. Learn about the multiple tests used to find this type of cancer.

Treatments for Obesity
Diet and Nutrition

Treatments for Obesity

Avoid high amounts of salt to avoid high blood pressure, especially if you are already obese. Try to get information on the amount of calories contained in each food so as to avoid taking more than you should.
What is Chickenpox?
Healthy Living

What Is Chickenpox?

Every year four million people from the United States suffer from chickenpox. Chickenpox is a very common ailment of childhood, which is responsible for numerous complications, when neglected or inappropriately treated , though nowadays it is quite often detected in adults. Perhaps, this fact is associated with the mutation of the virus over the years and initial body immune (resistance) system condition.
What are the Symptoms and Treatment Options for Scalp Psoriasis?
Healthy Living

What Are the Symptoms and Treatment Options for Scalp Psoriasis?

Red rashes on your head are the major characteristics of scalp psoriasis. Read this article to learn more about it.
What Causes Kidney Stones? How to Prevent and Treat Kidney Stones
Healthy Living

What Causes Kidney Stones? How to Prevent and Treat Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are a common occurrence, but can be managed with some medications and dietary restrictions.
Can Sciatica Pain Be Cured?
Healthy Living

Can Sciatica Pain Be Cured?

Sciatica is a term used to refer to a sharp pain that runs through the nerves and generally affects the lower back. Aging, wrong postures, and obesity are considered to be the main causes of sciatica. Timely diagnosis and physiotherapy go a long way in managing sciatica and improving the quality of life. Read on to learn more.
How to Prepare For Bariatric Surgery
Healthy Living

How to Prepare For Bariatric Surgery

Your preparations before bariatric surgery matter a lot in how effective the process will be. Learn the steps you should follow in preparation for weight loss surgery.

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