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Dr. Anna Schwartz, MD


Dr. Anna Schwartz is a pediatrician practicing in Selden, NY. Dr. Schwartz is a doctor who specializes in the health care of children. As a pedicatrician, Dr. Schwartz diagnoses and treats infections, injuries, diseases and other disorders in children. Pediatricians typically work with infants, children, teenagers and young adults up to age 21. They practice medical care as well as preventative health care. Dr. Schwartz can oversee and manage the physical, mental and emotional health of their patients.
41 years Experience
Dr. Anna Schwartz, MD
  • Selden, NY
  • Leningrad Pediatric Med Inst, Leningrad, Russia
  • Accepting new patients

When does a cough need antibiotics?

Usually antibiotic are needed for the cough associated with bacterial infection: pheumonia or sinusitis. There are many other reasons for cough in children that do not require READ MORE
Usually antibiotic are needed for the cough associated with bacterial infection: pheumonia or sinusitis. There are many other reasons for cough in children that do not require antibiotics: URI, allergies, asthma, bronchiolitis, reactive airway disease.