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Dr. Karim Richard Masri, M.D.


Dr. Karim Masri is a rheumatologist practicing in Richmond, VA. Dr. Masri specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and systematic autoimmune conditions that can affect the bones, muscles or bones. Eventually, if not treated, these illnesses can also impact the skin, eyes, nervous system and internal organs. Dr. Masri treats diseases similar to orthopedists but does not perform surgery. Often times, research is conducted to find potential alternatives for the patients illness.
9 years Experience
Dr. Karim Richard Masri, M.D.
  • Richmond, VA
  • Johns Hopkins university
  • Accepting new patients

RA and pregnancy

You will need to hold Methotrexate for at least 3 months. Depending on how active your RA is, you should discuss with your rheumatologist about hydroxychloroquine, which is safe READ MORE
You will need to hold Methotrexate for at least 3 months. Depending on how active your RA is, you should discuss with your rheumatologist about hydroxychloroquine, which is safe in pregnancy and/or an anti-TNF like Cimzia, which is recognized as safe in pregnancy. Pregnancy may induce a state of remission in some patients as well. I would avoid prednisone due to risk for gestational diabetes.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Very uncommon but yes. Hydroxychloroquine may also cause sleepiness