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Dr. Joseph DeVitis, M.D.


Dr. Joseph DeVitis is a general surgeon and surgical intensivist who practices in Tucson, Arizona at Southwestern Surgery Associates. He speacilizes in hernia repair, abdominal wall reconstruction, biliary disease, surgical correction of reflux, hiatal hernia repair, colon resection, and acute care surgery. He is passionate about robotic surgery and its utility to perform complex abdominal procedures in a minimally invasion fashion, which benefits patients with less post-operative pain and lengths of stay in the hospital. 
9 years Experience
Dr. Joseph DeVitis, M.D.
  • Tucson, AZ
  • St. George's University
  • Accepting new patients

Can surgery fix hemorrhoids?

Surgery can remove persistent hemorrhoids but I only offer surgery after all other treatments have failed. These include Sitz baths twice a day, added fiber, and hemorrhoid banding. READ MORE
Surgery can remove persistent hemorrhoids but I only offer surgery after all other treatments have failed. These include Sitz baths twice a day, added fiber, and hemorrhoid banding. Hemorrhoid removal can be painful for about a month. We try to avoid removal of these if possible.

How do you shrink a hernia?

Unfortunately, a hernia will not shrink or go away on its own. At best, hernias will remain the same size but more commonly they will continue to grow in size. Repairing hernias READ MORE
Unfortunately, a hernia will not shrink or go away on its own. At best, hernias will remain the same size but more commonly they will continue to grow in size. Repairing hernias early can be beneficial both for the patient and the surgeon. Larger hernias require more time to fix and can be sore for longer.

Is thyroid surgery painful?

The biggest complaint from patient is a sore throat, which is caused from the breathing tube. The incision is very well tolerated and almost all patients require only Tylenol or READ MORE
The biggest complaint from patient is a sore throat, which is caused from the breathing tube. The incision is very well tolerated and almost all patients require only Tylenol or Motrin after surgery for pain relief.

Does a hiatal hernia need surgery?

Typically we recommend hiatal hernia surgery if you are having symptoms caused by the hiatal hernia such as reflux or shortness of breath. Many are discovered incidentally. Rare READ MORE
Typically we recommend hiatal hernia surgery if you are having symptoms caused by the hiatal hernia such as reflux or shortness of breath. Many are discovered incidentally. Rare but life threatening conditions may arise from a hiatal hernia if not repaired.

What type of surgery is best for inguinal hernia?

There are two approaches to inguinal hernia surgery, open and minimally invasive. While there has been no data to demonstrate one technique over the other in regards to recurrence READ MORE
There are two approaches to inguinal hernia surgery, open and minimally invasive. While there has been no data to demonstrate one technique over the other in regards to recurrence of your hernia, minimally invasive surgery (such as laparoscopic or robotic) repairs have a slight advantage with less risk of wound infection and less post-operative pain.

When can I exercise after inguinal hernia repair?

I recommend no exercise for the first 2 weeks after inguinal hernia surgery. As long as things are healing well, we gradually introduce exercise back into the routine, starting READ MORE
I recommend no exercise for the first 2 weeks after inguinal hernia surgery. As long as things are healing well, we gradually introduce exercise back into the routine, starting with light cardio and weights. The number one rule applies. If it hurts, don't do it!

How long is recovery after inguinal hernia repair?

Depending on the approach, recovery can take anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks. Swelling is common after this surgery. Wearing supportive underwear, alternating ice and heat READ MORE
Depending on the approach, recovery can take anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks. Swelling is common after this surgery. Wearing supportive underwear, alternating ice and heat can help.

What foods to avoid after gallbladder removal?

I recommend low fat foods after gallbladder removal as eating a meal high in fat can lead to diarrhea. Most patients can resume eating their normal diet after a week or so of low READ MORE
I recommend low fat foods after gallbladder removal as eating a meal high in fat can lead to diarrhea. Most patients can resume eating their normal diet after a week or so of low fat foods. Some patients have continued diarrhea with high fat meals and have to adjust their portions. There are also medications that can be added to help with persistent diarrhea after gallbladder surgery.