Dr. Jewell Brent Duncan, MD
Sports Medicine Specialist
Dr. Jewell Duncan is a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner in Augusta, GA. As a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner, Dr. Duncan is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports Medicine Family Practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
38 years
Dr. Jewell Brent Duncan, MD
- Augusta, GA
- Med Coll of Ga Sch of Med, Augusta Ga
- Accepting new patients
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What treatment does my daughter need for her broken ankle?
Orthopedic surgeon
How long is the healing period of a torn ACL?
Not enough information. Most ACL tears require surgery and young athletic people. Needs an evaluation and proper discussion.
Ideally, how often should kids be active for?
More time active than playing video games.
How often should I drink water while playing sports?
Between every inning.
What age should I put my kid in sports?
I like t ball early.
Should I put my son in football?
That’s your choice.
What are the most common injuries in softball?
Elbow and shoulder are common injuries. Many others.
If I sprained my Achilles tendon, will it likely tear in the future?
First of all it would be classified as a strain. A sprain involves a ligament injury. There are times where a Tendon strain could predispose you to further injury. Make sure you READ MORE
First of all it would be classified as a strain. A sprain involves a ligament injury. There are times where a Tendon strain could predispose you to further injury. Make sure you rehab it properly and it should be fine
How does physical therapy help a dislocated shoulder?
Return range of motion, strength, and function.
Gymnastics injury?
Rice. If not improved in couple days see your physician
My heart rate is usually high when working out?
Roughly 220-your age is acceptable
How can I tell if I pulled a muscle?
Certainly a solid possibility. Need more info to know for sure
I have arm pain after exercising?
Too many possibilities. Need Ortho evaluation
What is the best way to treat a sports injury?
Depends on a lot of variables ask your doctor
Testicle pain?
See urologist