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Dr. Marielaina Perrone, D.D.S.


Dr. Marielaina Perrone, DDS, graduated with honors from the prestigious Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine in New York. Following her graduation, Dr. Perrone completed a one-year residency in Advanced Education of General Dentistry at the same institution.

With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Perrone is a highly skilled and empathetic dentist, renowned for her gentle touch and her ability to make patients feel at ease. While her specialties are cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, and restorative dentistry, she offers a comprehensive range of dental services to cater to her patients' diverse needs.

Dr. Perrone is deeply committed to staying abreast of the latest dental techniques and technologies, as well as to helping her patients achieve healthy and beautiful smiles. Her dedication to personalized care and building long-term relationships with her patients has earned her the respect and admiration of the Las Vegas, Summerlin, and Henderson, NV communities.

Dr. Perrone's commitment to excellence is evident in her pursuit of continuing education that meets the unique needs of her patients. Her services now include Botox, Juvederm, and Smooth PDO threads aesthetic treatments, all tailored to provide patients with personalized dental care in a relaxing and comfortable environment.
27 years Experience
Dr. Marielaina Perrone, D.D.S.
  • Henderson, NV
  • Stony Brook University School Of Dental Med
  • Accepting new patients

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Are Dental Implants In Your Future?

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