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Dr. Robert G. Anding, M.D.

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)

Dr. Robert Anding is an obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in Houston, TX. Dr. Anding specializes in women's health, particularly the female reproductive system, pregnancy and childbirth. As an obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, Dr. Anding can treat a number of health issues related to the vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and breasts. Dr Anding can also treat women during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and the postpartum period. In this specialty, doctors focus on reproductive care from puberty through adulthood.
39 years Experience
Dr. Robert G. Anding, M.D.
  • Houston, TX
  • La State Univ Sch of Med In New Orleans, New Orleans La
  • Accepting new patients

What should you drink when pregnant?

Water is universally the best fluid. A couple servings of milk is good. Avoid sweet drinks and fruit juices that have sugar added. I generally ask my patients to avoid sport drinks. READ MORE
Water is universally the best fluid. A couple servings of milk is good. Avoid sweet drinks and fruit juices that have sugar added. I generally ask my patients to avoid sport drinks. And coffee, two or less servings per day. Starbucks has twice as much caffeine as regular coffee.

Can you hurt the baby in womb while sleeping?

Not in a normal healthy pregnancy. If your having a problem with gestation then your health care team may advise you that sleeping on your silde is best. In most cases if this READ MORE
Not in a normal healthy pregnancy. If your having a problem with gestation then your health care team may advise you that sleeping on your silde is best. In most cases if this is important you will be admitted to a hospital.

Is drinking milk good during pregnancy?

MIlk is good. What you want is the calcium and protein. The low fat choices are adequate.

Do fertility pills work to get pregnant?

Yes but they are prescribed medications, so ask your doctor which is best for you.

Can you get pregnant 5 days after your period?

That would be very unusual if your periods are regular and predictable

Is yogurt good for pregnancy?

Yogurt is good. I would be slightly concerned that if you eat this much yogurt that you may not eating a well balanced diet. Enjoy your yogurt in moderation.

Can folic acid help to conceive twins?

Folic acid helps to avoid spinal cord defects but does not promote twins.

How can I make myself more fertile?

Follow general health guidelines about diet and exercise. If you are overweight it can help if you lose 10-15 % of your body weight.

How long does it take to conceive?

It takes the average couple 5-7 months but don't get discouraged if it takes a year. If it takes longer than that you may want to seek medical assistance.

Can I get pregnant after ovulation?

Ovulation is the release of an egg. It is possible to have sex 2-3 days after ovulation and still concieve.

What are the side effects of birth control pills?

The fact of the matter is that most women can take most birth control pills without any problems. When problems do arise we can usually make minor adjustments to arrive at a very READ MORE
The fact of the matter is that most women can take most birth control pills without any problems. When problems do arise we can usually make minor adjustments to arrive at a very comfortable place with birth control pills. Some of the most common side effects when starting pills are spotting and minor nausea. These usually go away in a matter of weeks..

A common misunderstanding is that they cause weight gain. Birth control pills can cause wt gain in a very limited number of people. The most common causes of weight gain in birth control users are for two reasons. The age of the common user is such that they are still growing and the other is that they are eating too much.. In the United States both men and women tend to gain weight as they get older. I'm not saying that this is right or healthy but the general observation is that the country as a whole is becoming overweight or obese from overconsuming.

Is abdominal pain common after a miscarriage?

This is not usually,common or normal. You need to visit your doctor.

Can I lift heavy objects while pregnant?

If these are objects that you have routinely lifted before pregnancy without straining then is usually OK to continue.

Which diet is best during pregnancy?

Most Americans consume more protein than necessay so focus on the fruits and vegetables. In the book, "What to Expect When Expecting" there is a chapter on "The Best Odds On Diet". READ MORE
Most Americans consume more protein than necessay so focus on the fruits and vegetables. In the book, "What to Expect When Expecting" there is a chapter on "The Best Odds On Diet". I refer all my patients to this resource. It is actually good dietary advice for the whole family, Dad.

What are the treatment options for ovarian cysts?

Most ovarian cysts are normal and healthy. Every month there is a cyst in one ovary that contains an egg. The cyst grows for two weeks after a period and then it releases the READ MORE
Most ovarian cysts are normal and healthy. Every month there is a cyst in one ovary that contains an egg. The cyst grows for two weeks after a period and then it releases the egg. That cyst then goes away and another cyst grows in the other ovary. So most of the time the cysts go away just with observation.

Other cyst that show up in the ovaries may not be normal. These are frequently treated with medications and hormones to make them go away... If this does not work then some times surgery is necessary.

My baby was born 6 weeks early, what are the risks?

Most babies that are born at this gestational age do very well if given proper care. At 34 weeks, I would expect your baby to be in a neonatal intensive care unit, perhaps for READ MORE
Most babies that are born at this gestational age do very well if given proper care. At 34 weeks, I would expect your baby to be in a neonatal intensive care unit, perhaps for days or perhaps for weeks depending on the circumstances.. The closer that we can get to a full 40 weeks before delivery the better most babies do in the long run. Some of the problems that we see are immature lungs, infections, gastrointestinal issues, poor mental function etc. I will repeat however that the majority of the babies that are born today at 34 weeks will go on and live perfectly normal lives.

What is best OCP for acne and PMDD in a teen?

One of my favorites that worked well for most women is a generic called Ocella. It helps with both acne and PMDD, especially if it is taken continuously without the placebos. READ MORE
One of my favorites that worked well for most women is a generic called Ocella. It helps with both acne and PMDD, especially if it is taken continuously without the placebos. This gives you the added benefit of eliminating your period. And yes this is very safe.

How large do hypoechoic lesions get?

In most cases this represents a fluid filled cyst. Most of these are benign but this just begs to have an ultrasound. It is definitely something that you do not want to ignore. READ MORE
In most cases this represents a fluid filled cyst. Most of these are benign but this just begs to have an ultrasound. It is definitely something that you do not want to ignore.

Are birth control patches safe?

Birth control pills have been around since 1960 and are considered very safe. The patches contain the same hormones and are equally safe.